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Hello, i got the high res android pack but not sure how to add it to the verison i have or install it. Is there a specific way to do it?

Hey Cero!

You can place the RPA in the folder you placed the version you first installed the game with (Internal Storage/Documents/ahitr_storage/game) - Once there, you can delete the old version.

Alternatively, we have an installation guide here:

If you run into any issues, please let me know!

Thank you!

Will we ever get the chance to see Blair big booty naked?

Hey Beasty!

Blair (and of course the other gals) will have more content in future updates, so you'll have a lot of awesome stuff to see 8)!

Probably an obvious answer but how do you keep you save when a new update comes out

Hey Niernoir!

Saves carry over automatically whenever you update to a new version or even download one separately, so you can resume wherever you left off last.

If you would like to keep a manual backup of your saves, the save folder is located in: AHouseInTheRift-XXXX-pc\game\saves

Hope this helps and if you have any issues, please let me know o/

so i saw this checking updates for another game, and i wanted to ask, is that list of fetishes and kinks going to be updated with more?

Hey CaptainBarrage!

As the game gets updated overtime, there might be new fetishes/kinks added, but for now, those are the core ones.

There's a few that we outright have no plans for, like pregnancy or watersports.

Appreciate you taking the time dropping by and checking out AHITR o/



(Memes aside, we greatly appreciate the support!)


Hi, how many hours of story does this game have?

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey Iksas!

The current version of the game has a hefty amount of content both in main story and side content. Depending on how you usually tackle AVNs (reading speed, seeing different choice dialogue, doing side content etc) you're in for a decent playtime of around 20ish hours.

I do hope you enjoy your time with AHITR and be sure to let us know your thoughts o/

(1 edit) (-1)

I play AVNs, rate and comment on them, and add them to my public collections, if anyone wants to see my opinion. I don't want anyone to hate on authors, even me. With that said, I know I am human, and therefore can be crass in my comments, but no matter if I hate the game, I don't hate the author. I sincerely respect authors who allows critical, and sometimes even harsh, comments to stay on their page. I try to write my reviews and comments without any major spoilers,, but be warned, there might be some. Alright, enough self-promotion and emotional blackmail.

!!NB!! There may be spoilers ahead !!NB!!

At first glance, the artwork and characters look good. The navigation system is a bit janky, but it gets the job done well enough without being any real hassle.

Azraesha lost my interest when she assaulted and tried to murder the MC, instead of answering a question. Lost interest in Naomi too for trying to murder the MC. I don't feel any desire to spend time with either of them after they have both shown themselves to be homicidal, abusive psychopaths. Azraesha is the only one that can teach you to control your magic, so you are  forced to spend time with her, but Naomi doesn't even have that going for her, she is just a big lumbering musclehead that enjoys trying to murder MC in as many humiliating ways as possible, especially when trying to improve you physical level stat, distracting and bothering the MC to the point he loses the VERY HEAVY  benchpress weights on his chest, and what does she, your supposed spotter, do? Laught at you for hurting yourself.  It is especially revolting how she forces herself on Caitlin in their first encounter; first she assaults her and exposes her against her will, then she lays her hands on Caitlin, pretending to be a friend instead of an obnoxious, demanding, homicidal psychopath that just seconds earlier were ready to strangle her.

The phone game in the beginning really infuriates me; why do you have to choose an obviously wrong answer for the last question, when there's TWO CORRECT answers to choose from? Is it a fourth-wall-breaking-moment, to show us that AVNs are often buggy?

Caitlin is so far the most likable character, in that she hasn't attempted to murder the MC. Yet.

At this point, I really don't feel like playing anymore, because it feels like I have come to a point where I have to become the whipping boy of Naomi to advance the story of the other characters, and I am not interested in anything more from her than being an exercise partner to raise my physical level. Which I can't do because I have rejected becoming Naomi's whipping boy, meaning she won't let you get further in the story.

And NO! I will not dream up a bathroom for these murderous psychopaths, as I VERY clearly chose when these women demanded it in front of the bathroom. They can fight eachother until they learn to share, or remove eachother from the house for all I care. They haven't shown themselves to be worthy of any rewards or attention beyond what's necessary to learn how to get out of this trap. (Currently on day 32)

I am now more interested in seeing what the fridge or closet spits out, than I am in spending time with Azraesha and Naomi. I met those two in the first in-game week, and within two days of being introduced, they both tried to murder the MC. And neither of them care. In Naomi's murder attempt, she tries to claim she went 'a little' over board, but shows no remorse whatsoever. Instead, she degrades the MC as a wimp for almost dying. Azraesha pretends it never happened, and that she is the bestest friend ever to the MC. Don't worry about her lies, her deceit, her assault, her murder attempt, she is the goddess you have a sacred duty to worship.

I am aware that there's more content in this AVN than I have found, but I can't recommend this, based on the fact that the other characters are trying to murder the MC almost as soon as they see him, and there's no consequences for them. As is proper, since your choices don't matter. At least, they haven't mattered so far. If you choose to pretend you're a great magician when meeting Azraesha, she will provide you a sexual service, and still assault and attempt to murder you the second day after you met. If you try to tell her that you have no control, she assaults you and try to murder you the second day after you met. If you try to choose 'middle-of-the-road' answers, she assaults you and try to murder you the second day after you met. Why? Because I dared to ask her to explain herself, since she was talking about magic, which the MC knows nothing about. Instead of explaining anything to the MC, she assaults the MC and smothers him with a pillow. A clear attempt at murder.

With no consequences enacted on these characters for their attempted murders, there is no longer any reason, even within this game's setting and story, for the MC to do anything for, or with, these women. Had they at least shown a sliver of a hint of remorse for their homicidal natures, I could have kept my interest, but since they don't, and they never stop their demands of the MC, without ever doing anything for the MC, only for their own selfish desires, I lost complete interest in what seemed like an interesting concept for a story.

Edit: There is no autosave in this game. If you don't manually save, you WILL lose hours and hours of gameplay.


Hey OttifantSir,

Thanks a bunch for taking the time to post your in-depth feedback/review for your time with AHITR. Sorry that the game didn't click with you.

I can see how you'd interpret Rae trying to "murder" you. Though, you have to consider from her position: She's been dragged away into this strange place, not knowing anything and the first person she comes in contact with, is giving off the aura of a powerful Magi/Mage/etc - I think its fair to assume she's going to try and protect herself or at least put herself in a position where she can control the situation.

Everything else mentioned, (and  in regards to "murder") is playful banter/dialogue in character to those respective characters.

(If you truly want to be murdered, you should check out the Halloween dream ;) )

Like most games that use Renpy, it does feature an auto-save feature which can be accessed down the bottom left of the "load" screen, as show below in the screenshot.

Overall, your opinion/thoughts are your own and we welcome all feedback. Greatly appreciate your time and hope one day, you'll dive back into the Rift.

Farewell o/


Thank you so much for your reply. I understand that we see the events unfolding in this game through different lenses. I said it in my comment intro, but you gained a lot of respect with your reply.

Mainly, I don't like playing an MC that gets assaulted by the women in the story for asking a completely understandable question, instead of answering it, and facing no consequences for being violent and abusive. I have seen abusive women depicted as 'playful banter' in too many AVNs to find it cute.

I do hope those who enjoy your game will continue to enjoy it, but I doubt I ever will feel interested in these women, unless you rewrite the beginning to allow MC to exact consequences on them for being violent and abusive. At least as I see them through my lenses.

Again, thank you for your reply.

How can I sit down with Naomi in the doorway in the evening? It doesn't trigger any cutscene that progresses that  quest. Am I missing something?

Hey Panty,

Some quests require you to progress the main story (and sometimes other quests) to trigger, so you might have to do that first to get this to trigger.

Let me know if that helps!

im a lil silly guy and i just dont know where those damn batteries are does anyone know 😭

Hey Josh!

Once you've agreed to help Cait find the batteries, go visit her in the library after a few days!

Hope this helps o/

appreciate it gang 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Hey the game but Is there any way to have a savefile from where the new stuff starts?

Hey Ardyn!

Thanks for the feedback/kind words, we appreciate it!

Saves carry over automatically to whatever version you're updating to, so you can resume on the next version wherever you left off.

However, if you're looking for a specific point/patch to continue, you might have some luck asking folks in our Discords help channel:


Hi devs. Im thinking of reseting my phone and i don't want to start from the start again. Is there a way to save the files of the game that have my progress? 


Hey Zeno!

You can backup your saves files by going to the ahitr_storage folder and transferring/uploading where ever you want (Google Drive for example) and download them when you've reset your device.

Here's a screenshot of what the folder looks like. Be sure to back up the persistent file too!


Thank you :D


i'm absolutely loving this game! there's so much content, and your writing skills are far better than most other nsfw games i've played.

i just wanted to let you know that i've encountered a small glitch (i guess?) — i was shown a scene involving naomi and blair when i hadn't yet unlocked blair (or yona). i believe it was naomi's story chapter 20, since chapter 21 is the next quest i have on the list.

Hey r969!

Thank you for your kind words and feedback, we're glad you've been enjoying AHITR!

We're aware of this continuity issue and it'll be fixed in a future version of the game!

Thanks again for taking the time to play and drop some feedback o/

I only say this game is SOO good i tried too many games like this but this one is special this one got me i think this is my favourite game Amazing Job... !!! thank you for the Free version :)!! i didnt complete the game but this is my opinion lol, resume: i like this game

Hey NaZero,

Thank you for your feedback and kind words! Very glad to hear you've enjoyed your time with AHITR and hope you enjoy the future updates to come.

Who's your favourite gal?

(1 edit) (+1)

my favourite is caitlin :

pd: thank you for the good atention  (if i write a word bad its because i dont speak english lol)


Is there a way to download any of the texture packs in the free version?  I think I'm reading the direction correct and need one of those for the next step?

Hey Blackcat,

We don't have any official texture packs or such for AHITR.

If you're looking into modding stuff, I'd recommend looking at Renpy forums or tutorials in that regard.

Best of luck!

Hi, I just bought the paid version here.  I was running the free version and wanted the full version since it's a great game.  I removed the old archive and put the HD one.  But I wanted to know, what's the difference? Between the paid and free ver since some stories still show that they've reached their end in current version.  

Hey Jbooty!

Thank you for buying the game, we very much appreciate your support! Supporting AHITR means we can keep delivering the quality content and gives you access to future versions too!

AHITR first releases on Patreon.  The Alpha build of a new version is released at the start of each month. Around a week after, the Beta build. A week after the Beta, the Early Access build is out. Around a month after, the full build goes free and public. This was a structure that the community voted in favour of (Content released on a shorter basis, rather than waiting a few months between updates).

Itch release schedule is a bit behind time wise than the Patreon. The paid version is a version/several patches ahead of free version.

Hope this answers your question and thanks again for your support, we hope you enjoy your time with AHITR o/


Thanks for the info.  I think I should've gotten the sub in Patreon instead then 😂

Help im stuck on unpacking game files ,does anyone know how to solve it?

Hey Konju!

Sorry you're experiencing issues getting the game to unpack.

There's a few things you can try doing: Making sure the Launcher has the necessary permissions (allow all). If this is already in place, you can disable and re-enable to retry. Deleting and reinstalling the launcher can help too.

When downloading the RPA file, make sure its not paused or interrupted as it can cause the game to corrupt on installation/unpacking.

Also, make sure the RPA is put inside the actual "game" folder itself. Like shown below. Please let me know if these help!

Running (or trying to run) the android version. I installed the APK, ran the APK, allowed file access permissions, and moved the compressed version of the .rpa file to the ahitr_storage/game.

But launching the game itself, it would always get stuck on unpacking. Anyone encounter this too? 

Hey Zack,

Sorry to hear you're having issues getting the game to run.

If the Launcher is stuck on unpacking, deleting and reinstalling the launcher can help sometimes. Disabling and re-enabling permissions can help too. Also, when downloading the RPA I'd suggest making sure the download doesn't get paused/interrupted as it has a chance for the RPA to be corrupted.

Let me know if this helps!

I reinstalled the APK, re-enabled the permissions (disabled them in android settings and enabled them when the game asks for it), and replaced the .rpa file with a fresh download. Still encountering the same issue tho.

Hey Zack,

Thanks a bunch for getting back to me, sorry that this still ongoing.

The only alternatively if you've tried all of the above is the JoiPlay method. You download the JoiPlay app and either the high-res or Compressed version of AHITR for PC. Load that up in JoiPlay and it should work.

We're looking in to making this process easier down the road, but appreciate your patience/understanding.

Hey.. just found a small bug... I had a journal entry come up for a conversation between Naomi and Blair before I had the first dream of Blair and then the next day had Naomi and Blair having a convo in the lounge about fighting, but I haven't even got Blair there yet!!


Hey Sqishd!

We're aware of this and it'll be fixed for a future version of the game.

Very much appreciate you taking the time to report/leave feedback on this!

Hello, is there a difference for hi-res and compressed for Android in performance? haven't seen some noticable difference of both and which is better for Android? thank you

Hey lolerzer!

AHITR is rendered in 1080p, for both the high res and compressed versions of the game. The compressed versions just compress the images/videos in-game, but the quality is still very good. Depending on your device, you won't really notice a huge difference in performance. Compressed is a lot smaller in file size too, making it faster to download.

Did you make a tutorial on how to download on andriod becuse i dont get it ?

Hey Rax1!

We do indeed have a visual step by step guide here:

If you have any issues, please let me know!

iirc you mentioned no plans to add pregnancy, is that a designer choice or a polled feature? I'd understand either way, but curious nonetheless. love the game regardless btw


Hey Apperax!

While we have some side polls over time, for some minor things related to AHITR, main feature content and the future of the game, is a designer choice.

Thanks a bunch for your feedback and support o/

will there be a free high res version for android? i git the 7.1 version high res for free but there is jo 7.3 high res

(1 edit)

Hey HappyNyaNya!

Thanks a bunch for the feedback! Itch only has the compressed version while our Patreon page has the high res.

Hey Eldjötnar

Is this the new rendering for Naomi areolas


Hey Beasty,

The original colour was a lore related reason (her witch blood) but caused confusion amongst a lot of players so it was changed to match her overall skin tone. So you might see old and new colours time to time.

Ow I did not know it's because of her witch blood

is it like a gift can she to her blood 

And can it naturally come  pink

And naturally go back to dark chocolate brown?



As far as I remember it wasn't anything complex or such. Just basic colour linked to her witchery.

thank you  Eldjötnar

I have the understanding now over her character.

I appreciate it



Hello,i just wanna asking how to fix stucking while waiting unpacking.Every i launch the launcher they will stuck at unpacking then going crash.


Hey Margravee,

I'm sorry for the delay in replying to your message, Itch's auto moderation flagged some comments for approval and I'm only now seeing them.

If you're on Android and the game takes a long time to unpack/crashes, you may have permission issues or a corrupted file.

I suggest making sure the Launcher has the necessary permissions, if they do already, turning them off and on again can help, even reinstalling the Launcher can also help. If its the RPA file. please make sure if your phone has any antivirus software or plugins to allow them through as it can be flagged as a false threat. I would also ensure the download isn't paused/interrupted as it can cause the file to corrupt.

If this is on PC, it could also be an antivirus software issue. Allowing it through should allow it to unpack without any issues. Also, be sure to give it admin rights to help it negate any possible issues.

I hoped this helped you and if not, please do poke me and we'll try to get everything sorted o/

Hey, so I'm stuck on Naomi's mission ch.18 where I was asked to check on her at the pool? so Idk what to do because to proceed with other char's missions it seems I have to do this mission but I can't seem to find the pool that was mentioned, Idk if it's the end of the current version of what I'm playing (0.7.2) or I'm just stupid lmao.


Hey ocheese219,

Deeply apologize for the delay with this reply. Itch's auto moderation had flagged some comments for approval and I'm only seeing it now.

If you haven't already, continuing the main story should unlock a dream that brings the pool/backyard to the house.

I hope this helps, if not, please shoot me a reply and we'll get things sorted.

Hello, i wanna ask can i delete the old version or leave it with the latest version?<img src="">

Ikon Diverifikasi Komunitas

Hey iamijaenk,

Apologies for the delay in replying to your message. Itch's auto moderation had flagged some comments for approval and I'm only seeing it now.

If you haven't already, you can indeed delete the old RPA if you're downloading a new version of the game. Your saves are separate and will carry over automatically too.

Appreciate your patience and understanding with this!


this game is great to the point I get unreasonably sad knowing it will end

Hey Harping,

Sorry for the delay in replying, Itch's moderation settings caught this and had it pending approval, I've only seen it now.

We're super glad that you've been enjoying your time with AHITR.

I know it sucks knowing something you enjoy will eventually end, but all good things do, in time. We have a lot of awesome stuff in store so I'd suggest keeping an eye on dev posts and such for that juicy news.

Thanks again for your feedback, its greatly appreciated o/

Hey Eldjötnar

Is  azraesha valentine date today or later this week?



Hey Beasty,

Keep an eye out, it'll be out in a soon-ish timeframe o/ I won't say more than that 8)

Hey Eldjötnar

I would love to see Rae dance  sensual

Following with the other girls

That would be very hot




Hey Beasty,

Thanks a bunch for the feedback!

We do have some side polls on Patreon from time to time, so I'd recommend keeping an eye on there if you see something you'd like to vote on something fun!

Appreciate the idea/feedback!

"Sleep Aid" Scene Gallery unlock - when Rae comes into your room to ask you if you're a Magi, you say No. When she says to get on the bed, pick "If you say so" dialogue option, then no matter which of the 3 dialogue options you choose, she'll give you a handjob and unlock "Sleep Aid" in Scene Gallery.

Hey Jim,

This is actually intended from a narrative/story perspective (and for that sexy time with Rae).

She's doing it to help the MC slip into sleep/dream space more easily and its also a nod to her succubus powers/aura.

Appreciate you taking the time to drop by with the feedback!

(1 edit)

What are the games in the phone and can you find them in itch? Sadly you cant see this kind of games in steam when youre living in germany.

Hey RBG!

The games you see on the phone in game are:

Sexy Iron Maidens, Hentai Stories and LizardWomen: These will be releasing on Steam this year, but will probably be on Itch too.

The rest of the games you can find on Itch right now:

Sex and the Furry Titty 3:

The Inn:


Strip n Play With Valerie:

Hope that answers your question and thanks for dropping by!

Het Eldjötnar

I just bought the beta 7.5

My Question is will the ea version also automatically be in the beta of 7.5

Hey Beasty!

Thanks again for your support, it is greatly appreciated!

The Early Access version releases around a week after the Beta. so I'd recommend keeping an eye out for an updated version!

If there's any issues, please let me know and I'll be glad to help o/

Thank you man

I really appreciate the hard work 

You guy's put in the game .

And also thank you for always making time for my Questions 



We greatly appreciate the kind words and support, and I'm more than happy to answer anything or help out wherever I can o/ Thanks again, Beasty!

(1 edit)

Is version 0.7.3 going to be available on here since it's already free on patreon. But on patreon, even for the free tier, there is no download link

Hey Pirate!

All versions of AHITR come to Itch a bit after they've been released on Patreon, so you will see 7.3 for free on here eventually.

You can find the latest free version on Patreon here:

I've outlined the download links in this screenshot:

I tried those links but none of them lead to a download for me. I think it might be because my ISP has enforced ad blocking and have no way to disable it on the customer side of things.

Hi, you might do a French translation, thank you.

Hey cln45,

We currently have no plans for a French translation. You might find fan translations, but the only official language for AHITR is English.

Thanks for your time and feedback!

love seeing the content u putting out for all of us ... a quick question .. are u planning to release it on steam ? would love to buy it and  add it into my collection

Hey Neia!

Thanks for taking the time to drop by and play AHITR, we very much appreciate the kind words and feedback!

There are currently no plans to release AHITR on Steam. It will continue to release on Patreon (our primary platform) and Itch.

If interested, we did a "Sate of the Game" post at the start of the year, which is packed with info for the year ahead! You can read it here:

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

If i buy this game in the two different dimensions bundle will I have access to the latest updates on itch? or will I need to pay again next update?


Hey Alhaha,

Yep, buying the "Two Different Dimensions" will give you access to future version(s) of AHITR.

Hope you enjoy your time with both of these games!


Oh thats awesome, I certainly will thank you very much! Keep up the great work on this amazing game!


Thank you for the kind words/feedback, we'll continue bringing the high quality content! Happy Rifting o/

si vale la pena apoyar porque esta en español :)

Estoy usando el traductor de Google, mis disculpas. Gracias por su apoyo, significa mucho. Esperamos que disfrutes tu tiempo con el juego.

Hey Eldjötnar

Uhmm when is Blair's new content coming

and will the phonograph be used in the near future


Will we be going back to Caitlin's university?


Hey Beasty,

In regards to the phonograph: Lost and Found events are usually a 1 time event as a fun way for the gals to experience something different. Currently there are no further plans for it.

As for Blair and Cait content: All the gals will have nice, fleshed out stories by the end of the game (which is far off into the distant future).

What I can say is, we'll continue to bring the high quality content that you and everyone else has been loving/enjoying so far.

Thanks again for your support and feedback, as always!


Thank you very much.

I'll leave  the master's to their work.

I Am truthfully amazed with the game high quality

This is my favourite game nothing else can compare to it 

Hands down.




We greatly appreciate your support and kind words always and look forward to hearing your thoughts on future patches/updates.

Thanks again!

Can i customize my protag?


You can change the name, thats it as far as im aware.


Man I love Lyriel. Nudes aside, shes actually the cutest character ever. Fiesty as fuck though. 

I love her green eyes and the ear twitches, but the best part is like, when she gets surprised and stands up straighter like a meerkat. 

10/10 the best character ever.

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