After the keen fox drink, I think Caitlin (or other girls) shouldn't visit in the morning. It is weird that after that Caitlin shows up telling that she is normal again.
I hope my comment makes sense, no idea how better describe it.
But want trying to say, was that before the conclusion Caitlin came for the other regular/random morning visit. Which of course breaks the event some what.
I got a problem, after downloading the newest free version, it tried to load my old save from the 0.7.7 version, but it crashed and said ''Possible infinite loop'', is there any fix to it or do i have to start fresh?
yes, im able to start it up and play normally, but after the crashed happened about the infinite loop, it now just goes into a fresh save. And im on pc
Once installed, boot the game up and just make a quick save. Close the game down and the back up saves you made, drop them into the new AHITR/Game/Saves folder.
Let me know if that works. Appreciate your patience with this!
Heyyyy there, I have a, more or less, "problem", and I wanted to ask for some help. Might be a dumb question, but I'm not really experienced with technology that much. Now to my question: On Windows, how can I play the newest version of the game with the progress I have in an older version? If you get what I mean, I dunno how to explain it better.
Your saves/progress will carry over automatically to the latest version, so all you have to do is update the game! (Either via patch or fresh download).
If you would like to back up your saves, you can find them in your AHITR folder > Game > Saves
.Al actualizar la nueva versión me marca error, desinstale todo, descargue y aún así 😞 ..
Mientras se ejecuta el código del juego:
While running game code:
Excepción: Ya existe una traducción de "Ready to go home." en game/tl/russian_ru/scripts/quests/story/11_back_home_for_a_moment/story_11_back_home_for_a_moment.rpy:31.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "tl/russian_ru/tr_kostul_fix.rpyc", line 3, in script
File "renpy/", line 2818, in execute
File "renpy/translation/", line 485, in add_string_translation
File "renpy/translation/", line 426, in add
Exception: A translation for "Ready to go home." already exists at game/tl/russian_ru/scripts/quests/story/11_back_home_for_a_moment/story_11_back_home_for_a_moment.rpy:31.
In most fantasy settings Orcs have a variation of green skin and Orcs themselves are a classic staple of fantasy races.
I think for a cast of gals, we have a really nice spread of diversity. We also have a bunch of side gals in our content too, that also dips its toes into expanding tastes.
just wanted to confirm if the android version is really just half the size of the pc or mac version. I just had a thought that maybe it has less animations or stories or something. and do I just download both the android pack and launcher?
My day is going well so far, thank you! Hope you have a nice weekend too o/
Yep, it is the full game, like you would get on PC, just a different file size due to the port. You are also correct! Just download the Launcher and .rpa game pack. Run the launcher and follow the on screen instructions. (We have a visual step by step here: )
Hi, I purchased the game a couple of days ago since i really like it, my question is for future releases, do I have access to the newer versions as well?
And if I do how does it work?
Will I get emailed the link for it?
Thank you ,and congrats,this game is great,I love the characters and the story
You do indeed have access to future versions of the game! If you have your notifications set up/following the game, you should receive emails regarding any new posts and updates about the game.
Downloading the newest version is just like downloading as normal.
Thanks for the kind words and for supporting the game, we greatly appreciate it!
i have a question i buyd the newest version for 10 dollars but i dont really know how to install it in the base game do i ned to lock at something important or is it simple and do i ned to start the game from the begginging or can i load in again?
thank you but i have a problem again =.) every time i try to doawnload it my internet crashes wich is not normall and wenn it goes well it say after three quarters after the download that i dont have the rights for downloading it but i dont have any antiviruses ore such
I have a dumb problem for you, I went ahead purchase this game because a friend of mine love talking about it. The problem is been trying to download the game but keeps coming up forbidden. What should I do?
This might be a firewall problem? Is the "forbidden" error coming up as you're starting the download? That probably means your firewall is flagging the download of an exe. Probably. Someone better with computers / seeing the error code would give a more reliable answer.
When updating on Android, do I need to download both the new launcher and the new pack, or just the new pack?
Also, given that so much data is in a separate download on Android, how exactly do I update it to the newest version? Do I just drag the pack to the folder where all my current game data is and overwrite everything?
Just the new pack! (High res or compressed). Once downloaded you can place it where the old .rpa is and delete the old one after placing the new one in. That's basically the process of updating to the newest version.
Im pretty sure I've almost reached the end of content that is currently avaialable and i must say this game is a masterpiece. I really like the characters, especially Lyriel who I didnt think would grow on me so much. This game has great plot in both senses and I can't wait to see where the story will go. Up there with my favourites on mobile along with Once In a Lifetime and Eternum.
Glad to hear you've enjoyed your time with AHITR! I think Lyriel grows on a lot of people in the end, myself included, especially when you get to know her better and see her story/character develop!
Appreciate the kind words and for your feedback o/
You can resume every update from your last/latest save file. All you have to do is boot up the new version of the game and your saves should transfer (If you're using the patch system, it'll be the same as booting up the game normally).
For Android, its the same.
If your saves aren't appearing, you may need to check AppData\Roaming\RenPy\AHouseintheRift - If there's no saves there, please go to your A House in the Rift game folder, "Game" and then "Saves". From there, copy and paste all those saves into the folder in AppData\Roaming\RenPy\AHouseintheRift.
please tell me what kind of soundtrack is playing in the background when Loriel is wearing makeup and turning into a goth (then she was still thinking about death) I really liked the music
I understand wanting to have an option for your native language, and its something we have discussed and been asked a few times over the years.
Unfortunately the scope of work that would be required for any translation is massive and while we would love to include as many options as possible, its just not viable right now.
Appreciate you taking the time to swing by here though o/
Eurydice talking about blueprints
After I heard about this secret archive, I got curious and found this blueprint... I cross-referenced it with the other floor plans of the university, and I found something strange.)
I don't think Eurydice using the term 'blueprint' makes sense. The term is rather akin to 'our' world ( *construction* plans actually being printet on blue paper)
Not sure how magic is affecting it in your worldbuilding but Caits world does strike me as one where the color blue is pretty expensive (even though the academy students uniforms are blue (or maybe even bacause of that?) - status symbol for *the* magic academy probably)
Can someone give me the solution to the keen fox riddle? I really hate having to ask but I've tried every combo I can reasonably think of and I'm no slouch when it comes to puzzles.
So far favorite characters are Cait,Rae,and Naomi at least of the ones i have met. The elf well lets just say I would like a few tools to deal with the elf and if she pushes Cait around one more time. I will find a paddle and teach her the meaning of the word fear and then hand her over to Slannesh.Nope handing the elf over to Slannesh there is very very little you can do to convince me the elf is worth it at this point I have met many an elf character certain ones bring out protective werewolf mode etc depending on which game they remind me of and then there is the elf in this game. I am handing her over to Slannesh giftwrapped with a ball gag with a note attached that reads "You can do as you wish with her Lord Slannesh this one is now yours". This is the highest amount of hate for a none Thalmar elf that I can possibly have I am continuing this game but please tell me there is a animal eared character that makes up for the elf. I figured since she was the other fantasy race character she would be decent but no a thousand times no.Rae is best girl compared to the elf Cait is next and then Naomi I need another girl to get the taste of this elf out of my system.
I understand from an initial and surface perspective that Lyriel may come across, as several people have put it, "bitchy", which is completely fair, but take into consideration the situation she was in before being brought to the house and from her perspective: She's awoken to a very strange place with people she's never met before.
While each gal has handled the initial arrival differently, Lyriel being on guard and defensive is totally reasonable in such a situation. Give her time, I'm sure Lyriel will grow on you. If not, that's completely fair too. Each to their own and all that.
As for any "animal eared" characters, there isn't for the main story, but as I mentioned in a previous comment, there is a lost and found event that recently dropped that might be of interest to you, but these are side events. There's also the Halloween dream you might want to consider too.
Thanks for taking the time to dive into AHITR and give your thoughts/opinions though, its appreciated!
Want a new elf this elf i0s broken and far to much like a thalmar for my liking please tell me this Yuna is more liable? But y ea no would like to return the elf to sender please and thank you she is going to trigger my dwarf if she continues to be a right bitch.
So I played this game to completion so far, and here is my honest review (these are all opinionated and contains some spoilers).
There is an excellent amount of content, the characters are overall pleasant and feel fairly realistic (in the sense that they aren't just walking sex dolls for the protagonist). The animation is outstanding and the model work, despite the occasional bug or awkward frame, look excellent.
Character review:
Azraesha is such a darling. Despite being the first girl introduced, she is never overshadowed by the rest of the girls. I love how she has her own story, goals, and aspirations. She feels like a person who does exist outside of our character and the writers strike an excellent balance between her teasing, matureness, lewdness, and cleverness. She never feels like a typical succubus bimbo and is her own character and I adore her.
Caitlin is adorable and it's a lot of fun to see her grow more confident and assertive, occasionally falling back into her old habits, but I'm glad she actually does display her proficiency and knowledge in magic and how she isn't always a helpless "pls help protagonist!" Although it takes coaxing sometimes, she is a growing character and I thoroughly enjoy her storyline!
Lyriel is a character right up my alley, and although her story beats confuse me a little, her character is pleasant to watch. It's nice to her see going from a hateful, arrogant bully to a kind and begrudgingly appreciative person. Also the sex is PRETTY damn hot.
Naomi I like a lot. She's full joy and life and chaos. And I adore her relationship with the less assertive Caitlin and the way they complement each other. Naomi's recklessness and Caitlin's timid restraint. Her story arc is difficult to sit through, in the sense that it's pretty hard to watch characters you love fall apart a little, but I'm glad it's resolving ok. In terms of overall character, would love to grab a whiskey with her. Besides that, I like how her flaws ground her more as a human being.
Yona I... wasn't too sold on. Don't get me wrong, a strong, powerful woman is a REALLY appealing character. However, the way she is distant and a little aloof, although I know it's part of her arc, makes it difficult to find that connection with her, and the way she has sex with us so easily kind of makes it feel like a bit of a dry character overall. Hopefully she gets more development over time.
Finally, Blair is unfortunately a bit of a nothing character to me. Most of the time is spent trying to convince her of magic, after which she kind of just does.... nothing. Her design is nice, although I liked her better in her heavy fur outfit than tits out, and her voice is fun to read, but up to this point, she simply hasn't offered enough to the story to capture my interest yet.
In conclusion. Excellent animation, background work is amazing, models are great, dialogue flows well, characters mostly amazing, story is good (I like how it doesn't focus solely on the sex and actually has plot progression) and the protagonist is amazing because he seems like an actually decent person that makes good decision. (I spent too long on this but thank you for working on the game)
Can anyone tell me if there is a neko please after the elf I need something sweet and adorable the elf rubbed me the wrong way and reminded m e far far far to much of the Thalmar(IT GOES IN THE BOOK IT FUCKING GOES IN THE BOOK)
Greatly appreciate you taking the time to drop by and give your feedback/thoughts on your experience with AHITR. Glad you've enjoyed your time with it!
We've a lot more in store for AHITR so we hope you continue to enjoy as you've had so far o/
Really nice game, it feel like daily life with the girls. Cozy feeling, warm inside, just like having real family.
It is nice to have game has intimate moment like hugging together, cuddle together, some sweet kiss, spending time alone in the night like watch movie. Also naked sleep together without doing anything sexual is very nice, just hugging each other and be comfort.
Your game has really mysterous real feeling, where other 3D game in this site ( don't have. Other game has the weird "comedy", like they can not keep being serious, especially "unnatural" speed movement, which let all the "emotion" scene feel like a joke. You built your character very well, their dialogue has soul and emotion within them. The theme, background and especially the emotion of the character, play a huge role in how the scene will feel real or not, which you have polish very well, this also contribute to how the scene is erotic or not.
Rae really act like a true girl friend. But i feel she do lacking some "passion". When she is having sex, i feel like, she just have to make it done. Her expression and body, they are so stiff, the feeling she did not really enjoy it leave a bad taste in my mouth. Especially, she is succubus, which is the lust demon, but she act like a middle thirty onee-san, which find sex is amusing and childlike thing. Even innocent and naive Cait is more erotic than Rae, she crave for pleasure, and she show more actual pleasure when doing it.
Maybe we can make the girl has more erotic expression, like open mouth, drooling a little bit, hard breathing, tongue out, the body shaking slightly, the eyes are lost focus and stare into the void, make the girl body more fluid like flowing out juice, make it as wet as possible (i feel like their genital is too dry right now). And just make the body as soft as possible.
With many girls at home, and a succubus Rae, i really hope for pure girl x girl event, Lyriel and Cait are really a good target. Maybe some cute loving where Rae can satisfy the girl instead of the Protag, like they just too horny (maybe when reading porn), Rae catch them at 4k, unable to resist, they just let Rae satisfy them.
Can we have more fetish like facesitting, french/deep kiss, corruption, groping (not by asking them if i can grab it), doing something while other/you sleep, mind control, mind break, arousal boost (maybe charm skill by Rae, but not passive aura which she did mention). The game has many default fetish like blowjob, handjob, penetrate. Rae has 2-3 blowjob, 2-3 penetrate, 2-3 handjob. Please give her more erotic fetish, she deserve it. I think Cait is the one has most variety fetish.
The pirate really make me allergy with her bold, oversized body and violent aggressive blunt personality. The thing is, I can't fully avoid her at all. She is the main cast and most main quest and some character sub quest involve her.
Hope in future, we can get more love, more cuddle, more cute interact and sweet treatment for the girl when they need. Don't make anything be as sexual, some hug and little kiss maybe more satisfy.
Also, i really find frustrating when trying to advance the quest, some quest just does not describe what should i do to complete it. Some quest require other sub quest (not count those quest clearly state that you need to process with the main story). I will take some as example, the quest where you need to find the pirate and Cait at doorway, but i did not finish the talking when Rae and the pirate both at living room yet. It make me stuck there and try to skip through day, hoping 1 day they will appear at the doorway (I skip almost 20 day for this). Also some quest and dialogue only unlock when reaching certain lewdness and Intimacy, but there is noway to know it except try to max out the stat first of everything.
This is my opinion, if you find it helpful or interesting, please add it in future. I mean no hate here, i really love your game. Thank you for make this game and let me play for free, really appreciated.
Glad to hear you've been enjoying your time with AHITR! Thank you for your kind words and for your support.
Every so often, we do polls over on Patreon (and sometimes in our exclusive Patreon channel on Discord) for people to vote on side content (these can range from costumes to hair styles and so on)!
We are looking into making some of the "tangled" quests a lot more smoother so players run into less issues when going through.
I disagree with some elements mentioned, but like you said, its your own opinion and I respect that!
Thank you again for taking the time to drop by with your feedback and suggestions! Hope you continue AHITR and future updates to come o/
Of all the girls to trigger you it isn't the Aretemis-like man hating elf? Sorry but i regret progressing to the point i have the elf and would give anything to return the elf to sender she is a THalmar bitch. Meanwhile the pirate girl is great so far much better personality and does not trigger my dwarf am hoping there is a kitsune or other type girl or I am going to be really really disappointed.
Maybe the elf is not my trigger point; she seems tamer compared to many tsundere-type characters I've seen. But I agree with you, she is very bitchy when she first comes home.
If you have any anti-virus software running, sometimes it might see AHITR as a false threat and delete necessary files for it to either continue downloading or running. Beyond that, Itch downloads can be a bit wonky.
Here's a link to the latest free version on our Patreon:
If you'd like, you can actual refuse/not have any sex with character(s) of your choosing! So if you wanted to, you could just do a Rae only playthrough! (You may have to do other characters story quests to progress other quests, but the sex thing still applies!)
For that many fetishes. I'm very surprised there isnt a Pregnancy one. BUT given how the story is and might end, I can see that being a problem as well.
Best game ever! 1st game where i really want to full read the story and all characters are so exclusive, are So Alive. Thank you for compressed version that allow me play this great game.
P.s. i really hope - in the end MC will not became alone and when everybody will go to their worlds, because it break my heart, i really want to choose at least 1 girl to take her with MC for being together in any world that she want.
how much of the story will be out with the 7.9 update and will there be further updates, (I love the game one of my first decently long novel type game I've played)
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mm interesting~
After the keen fox drink, I think Caitlin (or other girls) shouldn't visit in the morning. It is weird that after that Caitlin shows up telling that she is normal again.
I hope my comment makes sense, no idea how better describe it.
Hey Spam!
Usually any conversations like that after an event is just a conclusion to the event! Appreciate you taking the time to leave feedback o/
The event conclusion is indeed okay.
But want trying to say, was that before the conclusion Caitlin came for the other regular/random morning visit. Which of course breaks the event some what.
when downloading the new version on android, do i just download the launcher or the whole new pack android pack?
Hey Dig!
All you need is the new .rpa file when updating to a newer version! Place it in the same folder ("game") and delete the old .rpa.
Boot up and you should be good to go :)
I got a problem, after downloading the newest free version, it tried to load my old save from the 0.7.7 version, but it crashed and said ''Possible infinite loop'', is there any fix to it or do i have to start fresh?
Hey Gamexas!
Sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing.
If you're on Android, if you have the old .rpa, can you try deleting it and trying again?
On Windows, can you make sure you're running the game in Admin mode? Does the game allow you to play at all?
Let me know if that helps!
yes, im able to start it up and play normally, but after the crashed happened about the infinite loop, it now just goes into a fresh save. And im on pc
Hey Game,
Apologies for the delay. You could try backing your saves up and doing a complete fresh install.
Locate your A House in the Rift folder > Game > Saves and save that folder to somewhere else.
Navigate to "AppData\Roaming\Renpy\AHITR" and delete that entire folder.
Download the latest free version from our Patreon:
Once installed, boot the game up and just make a quick save. Close the game down and the back up saves you made, drop them into the new AHITR/Game/Saves folder.
Let me know if that works. Appreciate your patience with this!
IT WORKED!! Thank you so much, you saved me like a month maybe a bit more of progress.
Super glad to hear that! Happy Rifting o/
How do i transfer my old save to the new version of the game?
Hey Carr!
Your saves will transfer automatically to the latest version of the game! All you have to do is boot up and play!
Heyyyy there, I have a, more or less, "problem", and I wanted to ask for some help. Might be a dumb question, but I'm not really experienced with technology that much. Now to my question: On Windows, how can I play the newest version of the game with the progress I have in an older version? If you get what I mean, I dunno how to explain it better.
Hey Eric!
Your saves/progress will carry over automatically to the latest version, so all you have to do is update the game! (Either via patch or fresh download).
If you would like to back up your saves, you can find them in your AHITR folder > Game > Saves
Hope this helps!
.Al actualizar la nueva versión me marca error, desinstale todo, descargue y aún así 😞 ..
Mientras se ejecuta el código del juego:
While running game code:
Excepción: Ya existe una traducción de "Ready to go home." en game/tl/russian_ru/scripts/quests/story/11_back_home_for_a_moment/story_11_back_home_for_a_moment.rpy:31.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "tl/russian_ru/tr_kostul_fix.rpyc", line 3, in script
File "renpy/", line 2818, in execute
File "renpy/translation/", line 485, in add_string_translation
File "renpy/translation/", line 426, in add
Exception: A translation for "Ready to go home." already exists at game/tl/russian_ru/scripts/quests/story/11_back_home_for_a_moment/story_11_back_home_for_a_moment.rpy:31.
Hey S7!
Are you running the game on Android?
Before launching the game on the latest version, make sure you delete the previous/old .rpa file first.
No hablo español, mis disculpas. Utilizare el traductor goodle.
¿Estás ejecutando el juego en Android?
Antes de iniciar el juego en la última versión, asegúrate de eliminar primero el archivo .rpa anterior/antiguo.
I know the game should be more diverse, but are the Green Orcs too diverse?
Hey Titan,
In most fantasy settings Orcs have a variation of green skin and Orcs themselves are a classic staple of fantasy races.
I think for a cast of gals, we have a really nice spread of diversity. We also have a bunch of side gals in our content too, that also dips its toes into expanding tastes.
Appreciate you dropping by with your question!
Hello Eldjötnar, hope you have a nice day.
just wanted to confirm if the android version is really just half the size of the pc or mac version. I just had a thought that maybe it has less animations or stories or something. and do I just download both the android pack and launcher?
Best Regards
Hey Melo,
My day is going well so far, thank you! Hope you have a nice weekend too o/
Yep, it is the full game, like you would get on PC, just a different file size due to the port. You are also correct! Just download the Launcher and .rpa game pack. Run the launcher and follow the on screen instructions. (We have a visual step by step here: )
Hope this helps o/
Hello will pregnancy be added to the game
Hey Meow!
We currently have no plans to add pregnancy content to the game.
Hi, I purchased the game a couple of days ago since i really like it, my question is for future releases, do I have access to the newer versions as well?
And if I do how does it work?
Will I get emailed the link for it?
Thank you ,and congrats,this game is great,I love the characters and the story
Hey Edward!
You do indeed have access to future versions of the game! If you have your notifications set up/following the game, you should receive emails regarding any new posts and updates about the game.
Downloading the newest version is just like downloading as normal.
Thanks for the kind words and for supporting the game, we greatly appreciate it!
i have a question i buyd the newest version for 10 dollars but i dont really know how to install it in the base game do i ned to lock at something important or is it simple and do i ned to start the game from the begginging or can i load in again?
Hey Alain!
It should be as simple as extracting the game and playing!
And your saves should carry over automatically so you can resume where you left off o/
thank you but i have a problem again =.) every time i try to doawnload it my internet crashes wich is not normall and wenn it goes well it say after three quarters after the download that i dont have the rights for downloading it but i dont have any antiviruses ore such
Hey Alain,
I wish I could help with internet issues, but that is outside my ability. I would recommend checking your firewall/browser settings.
After that, can you try downloading the free version over on our Patreon to see if we can isolate it being an Itch issue?
Much appreciated for understanding.
Hi, game is amazing! Would love to see more of Jenny!
Congrats on reaching your sale's goal.
I have a dumb problem for you, I went ahead purchase this game because a friend of mine love talking about it. The problem is been trying to download the game but keeps coming up forbidden. What should I do?
Hey Hi_im_bill!
Greatly appreciate your support with purchasing AHITR, hope you enjoy your time with it!
Sorry to hear about this, I believe this is a hiccup at Itchs end. Can you retry downloading and if that doesn't work, a different browser?
If not, let me know!
Thanks for the reply, eldjötnar.
I already tried downloading on different browsers and devices. I believe it's my internet connection (sigh)
This might be a firewall problem? Is the "forbidden" error coming up as you're starting the download? That probably means your firewall is flagging the download of an exe. Probably. Someone better with computers / seeing the error code would give a more reliable answer.
Nah it downloads for around 30 minutes or so than boom forbidden
Seems like I won't be able download the game. Is there any other to download this?
When updating on Android, do I need to download both the new launcher and the new pack, or just the new pack?
Also, given that so much data is in a separate download on Android, how exactly do I update it to the newest version? Do I just drag the pack to the folder where all my current game data is and overwrite everything?
Hey Chaz!
Just the new pack! (High res or compressed). Once downloaded you can place it where the old .rpa is and delete the old one after placing the new one in. That's basically the process of updating to the newest version.
Hope this helps o/
Im pretty sure I've almost reached the end of content that is currently avaialable and i must say this game is a masterpiece. I really like the characters, especially Lyriel who I didnt think would grow on me so much. This game has great plot in both senses and I can't wait to see where the story will go. Up there with my favourites on mobile along with Once In a Lifetime and Eternum.
Hey MaNemJeff!
Glad to hear you've enjoyed your time with AHITR! I think Lyriel grows on a lot of people in the end, myself included, especially when you get to know her better and see her story/character develop!
Appreciate the kind words and for your feedback o/
Hey, anyone got a name for the bgm of this game? I'm kinda hooked
Hey Tristan!
Song that plays is "Lonely Fish" by Sascha Ende!
um do i have to restart the game every time there is an update? im getting really tired of replaying all the stuff ive done over and over.
Hey Weedman,
You can resume every update from your last/latest save file. All you have to do is boot up the new version of the game and your saves should transfer (If you're using the patch system, it'll be the same as booting up the game normally).
For Android, its the same.
If your saves aren't appearing, you may need to check AppData\Roaming\RenPy\AHouseintheRift - If there's no saves there, please go to your A House in the Rift game folder, "Game" and then "Saves". From there, copy and paste all those saves into the folder in AppData\Roaming\RenPy\AHouseintheRift.
Hope this helps!
omg thank you so much!
please tell me what kind of soundtrack is playing in the background when Loriel is wearing makeup and turning into a goth (then she was still thinking about death) I really liked the music
Hey Zupicon!
Unfortunately, I don't have the information. The music used actually has no credited artist or name, sadly.
It’s sad (maybe the author of the game knows?
Hey Zupicon,
Sadly Zan doesn't know either :( Sorry.
it’s sad, I’ll try to ask in the discord
Hey Yz,
The saves are located in AHITR/Game/Saves.
On Android they are in: ahitr_storage
Hope this helps!
how do i offer an alternative?? I'm stuck on that quest
Hey JustPack!
When you ask for her services and when she tells you to wait, select the third option "Just stay like that".
Hope this helps!
It would be cool if the game was in Portuguese
Hey Caralios!
I understand wanting to have an option for your native language, and its something we have discussed and been asked a few times over the years.
Unfortunately the scope of work that would be required for any translation is massive and while we would love to include as many options as possible, its just not viable right now.
Appreciate you taking the time to swing by here though o/
Eurydice talking about blueprints
After I heard about this secret archive, I got curious and found this blueprint... I cross-referenced it with the other floor plans of the university, and I found something strange.)Hey Rever!
Good spot! This was actually meant to be "plans" but we forgot to change it. This is something that'll be amended for a future update.
Thanks a bunch for taking the time to point it out/for your feedback!
Can someone give me the solution to the keen fox riddle? I really hate having to ask but I've tried every combo I can reasonably think of and I'm no slouch when it comes to puzzles.
Hey Atm0s!
I've taken this from our community over on Discord, hope this helps:
I'm almost certain I've done this combo but I'll give it a go.
Aye, sadly it didn't work for me, perhaps mine is bugged. Much appreciated for the help!
Hey Atm0s,
Sorry that combo didn't work.
You could also try this:
Best of luck all the same o/
It works!!
The completionist in me can breathe easy, thanks so much friend!
So far favorite characters are Cait,Rae,and Naomi at least of the ones i have met. The elf well lets just say I would like a few tools to deal with the elf and if she pushes Cait around one more time. I will find a paddle and teach her the meaning of the word fear and then hand her over to Slannesh.Nope handing the elf over to Slannesh there is very very little you can do to convince me the elf is worth it at this point I have met many an elf character certain ones bring out protective werewolf mode etc depending on which game they remind me of and then there is the elf in this game. I am handing her over to Slannesh giftwrapped with a ball gag with a note attached that reads "You can do as you wish with her Lord Slannesh this one is now yours". This is the highest amount of hate for a none Thalmar elf that I can possibly have I am continuing this game but please tell me there is a animal eared character that makes up for the elf. I figured since she was the other fantasy race character she would be decent but no a thousand times no.Rae is best girl compared to the elf Cait is next and then Naomi I need another girl to get the taste of this elf out of my system.
Hey redmen,
I understand from an initial and surface perspective that Lyriel may come across, as several people have put it, "bitchy", which is completely fair, but take into consideration the situation she was in before being brought to the house and from her perspective: She's awoken to a very strange place with people she's never met before.
While each gal has handled the initial arrival differently, Lyriel being on guard and defensive is totally reasonable in such a situation. Give her time, I'm sure Lyriel will grow on you. If not, that's completely fair too. Each to their own and all that.
As for any "animal eared" characters, there isn't for the main story, but as I mentioned in a previous comment, there is a lost and found event that recently dropped that might be of interest to you, but these are side events. There's also the Halloween dream you might want to consider too.
Thanks for taking the time to dive into AHITR and give your thoughts/opinions though, its appreciated!
Want a new elf this elf i0s broken and far to much like a thalmar for my liking please tell me this Yuna is more liable? But y ea no would like to return the elf to sender please and thank you she is going to trigger my dwarf if she continues to be a right bitch.
So I played this game to completion so far, and here is my honest review (these are all opinionated and contains some spoilers).
There is an excellent amount of content, the characters are overall pleasant and feel fairly realistic (in the sense that they aren't just walking sex dolls for the protagonist). The animation is outstanding and the model work, despite the occasional bug or awkward frame, look excellent.
Character review:
Azraesha is such a darling. Despite being the first girl introduced, she is never overshadowed by the rest of the girls. I love how she has her own story, goals, and aspirations. She feels like a person who does exist outside of our character and the writers strike an excellent balance between her teasing, matureness, lewdness, and cleverness. She never feels like a typical succubus bimbo and is her own character and I adore her.
Caitlin is adorable and it's a lot of fun to see her grow more confident and assertive, occasionally falling back into her old habits, but I'm glad she actually does display her proficiency and knowledge in magic and how she isn't always a helpless "pls help protagonist!" Although it takes coaxing sometimes, she is a growing character and I thoroughly enjoy her storyline!
Lyriel is a character right up my alley, and although her story beats confuse me a little, her character is pleasant to watch. It's nice to her see going from a hateful, arrogant bully to a kind and begrudgingly appreciative person. Also the sex is PRETTY damn hot.
Naomi I like a lot. She's full joy and life and chaos. And I adore her relationship with the less assertive Caitlin and the way they complement each other. Naomi's recklessness and Caitlin's timid restraint. Her story arc is difficult to sit through, in the sense that it's pretty hard to watch characters you love fall apart a little, but I'm glad it's resolving ok. In terms of overall character, would love to grab a whiskey with her. Besides that, I like how her flaws ground her more as a human being.
Yona I... wasn't too sold on. Don't get me wrong, a strong, powerful woman is a REALLY appealing character. However, the way she is distant and a little aloof, although I know it's part of her arc, makes it difficult to find that connection with her, and the way she has sex with us so easily kind of makes it feel like a bit of a dry character overall. Hopefully she gets more development over time.
Finally, Blair is unfortunately a bit of a nothing character to me. Most of the time is spent trying to convince her of magic, after which she kind of just does.... nothing. Her design is nice, although I liked her better in her heavy fur outfit than tits out, and her voice is fun to read, but up to this point, she simply hasn't offered enough to the story to capture my interest yet.
In conclusion. Excellent animation, background work is amazing, models are great, dialogue flows well, characters mostly amazing, story is good (I like how it doesn't focus solely on the sex and actually has plot progression) and the protagonist is amazing because he seems like an actually decent person that makes good decision. (I spent too long on this but thank you for working on the game)
Can anyone tell me if there is a neko please after the elf I need something sweet and adorable the elf rubbed me the wrong way and reminded m e far far far to much of the Thalmar(IT GOES IN THE BOOK IT FUCKING GOES IN THE BOOK)
Hi redmen,
There is no main character that is a neko or kitsune. (Although there's an event and dream that might be of interest in that regard).
However, as it stands the main cast is: Azraesha, Naomi, Caitlin, Lyriel, Yona and Blair!
Hey Tristan!
Greatly appreciate you taking the time to drop by and give your feedback/thoughts on your experience with AHITR. Glad you've enjoyed your time with it!
We've a lot more in store for AHITR so we hope you continue to enjoy as you've had so far o/
Someone has not played Goddess's whim and it shows though I will give you that alot of the 3d VNs this is the case.
Hello a question what are the minimum requirements for PC since in mine the sex scenes go like 3 fps help please ._.
Hey Dacsett!
Sorry to hear you're having frame issues with the game.
In total, around 6GB for the compressed and like 15GB for the high-res storage wise.
Hardware wise, support for VP8 codec is nice to have, but otherwise any system within the last 10 years should be able to run the game.
ok muchas gracias seguro solo tendré que reinstalar el juego XD
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Cómo lo descargo?
No hablo español, lo siento.
For PC pick your version, download, extract and run.
For Android, you need both the launcher and .rpa game pack. You can read our step by step tutorial here:
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Really nice game, it feel like daily life with the girls. Cozy feeling, warm inside, just like having real family.
It is nice to have game has intimate moment like hugging together, cuddle together, some sweet kiss, spending time alone in the night like watch movie. Also naked sleep together without doing anything sexual is very nice, just hugging each other and be comfort.
Your game has really mysterous real feeling, where other 3D game in this site ( don't have. Other game has the weird "comedy", like they can not keep being serious, especially "unnatural" speed movement, which let all the "emotion" scene feel like a joke. You built your character very well, their dialogue has soul and emotion within them. The theme, background and especially the emotion of the character, play a huge role in how the scene will feel real or not, which you have polish very well, this also contribute to how the scene is erotic or not.
Rae really act like a true girl friend. But i feel she do lacking some "passion". When she is having sex, i feel like, she just have to make it done. Her expression and body, they are so stiff, the feeling she did not really enjoy it leave a bad taste in my mouth. Especially, she is succubus, which is the lust demon, but she act like a middle thirty onee-san, which find sex is amusing and childlike thing. Even innocent and naive Cait is more erotic than Rae, she crave for pleasure, and she show more actual pleasure when doing it.
Maybe we can make the girl has more erotic expression, like open mouth, drooling a little bit, hard breathing, tongue out, the body shaking slightly, the eyes are lost focus and stare into the void, make the girl body more fluid like flowing out juice, make it as wet as possible (i feel like their genital is too dry right now). And just make the body as soft as possible.
With many girls at home, and a succubus Rae, i really hope for pure girl x girl event, Lyriel and Cait are really a good target. Maybe some cute loving where Rae can satisfy the girl instead of the Protag, like they just too horny (maybe when reading porn), Rae catch them at 4k, unable to resist, they just let Rae satisfy them.
Can we have more fetish like facesitting, french/deep kiss, corruption, groping (not by asking them if i can grab it), doing something while other/you sleep, mind control, mind break, arousal boost (maybe charm skill by Rae, but not passive aura which she did mention). The game has many default fetish like blowjob, handjob, penetrate. Rae has 2-3 blowjob, 2-3 penetrate, 2-3 handjob. Please give her more erotic fetish, she deserve it. I think Cait is the one has most variety fetish.
The pirate really make me allergy with her bold, oversized body and violent aggressive blunt personality. The thing is, I can't fully avoid her at all. She is the main cast and most main quest and some character sub quest involve her.
Hope in future, we can get more love, more cuddle, more cute interact and sweet treatment for the girl when they need. Don't make anything be as sexual, some hug and little kiss maybe more satisfy.
Also, i really find frustrating when trying to advance the quest, some quest just does not describe what should i do to complete it. Some quest require other sub quest (not count those quest clearly state that you need to process with the main story). I will take some as example, the quest where you need to find the pirate and Cait at doorway, but i did not finish the talking when Rae and the pirate both at living room yet. It make me stuck there and try to skip through day, hoping 1 day they will appear at the doorway (I skip almost 20 day for this). Also some quest and dialogue only unlock when reaching certain lewdness and Intimacy, but there is noway to know it except try to max out the stat first of everything.
This is my opinion, if you find it helpful or interesting, please add it in future. I mean no hate here, i really love your game. Thank you for make this game and let me play for free, really appreciated.
Hey Yuri!
Glad to hear you've been enjoying your time with AHITR! Thank you for your kind words and for your support.
Every so often, we do polls over on Patreon (and sometimes in our exclusive Patreon channel on Discord) for people to vote on side content (these can range from costumes to hair styles and so on)!
We are looking into making some of the "tangled" quests a lot more smoother so players run into less issues when going through.
I disagree with some elements mentioned, but like you said, its your own opinion and I respect that!
Thank you again for taking the time to drop by with your feedback and suggestions! Hope you continue AHITR and future updates to come o/
Of all the girls to trigger you it isn't the Aretemis-like man hating elf? Sorry but i regret progressing to the point i have the elf and would give anything to return the elf to sender she is a THalmar bitch. Meanwhile the pirate girl is great so far much better personality and does not trigger my dwarf am hoping there is a kitsune or other type girl or I am going to be really really disappointed.
Maybe the elf is not my trigger point; she seems tamer compared to many tsundere-type characters I've seen. But I agree with you, she is very bitchy when she first comes home.
Windows download seems to be broken
Hey Ganguro!
If you have any anti-virus software running, sometimes it might see AHITR as a false threat and delete necessary files for it to either continue downloading or running. Beyond that, Itch downloads can be a bit wonky.
Here's a link to the latest free version on our Patreon:
Hopefully this helps o/
Are you going to add sound effects? I feel that it kinda needs it but not necessarily. Otherwise, I love this game!!!!!!
Hey TheLma!
We have been testing with certain sounds during sex scenes (voiced) but its something on our to-do list down the road.
Thanks for your kind words too!
Is monogamy possible in this game? I know it's a harem, but I like to do multiple faithful playthroughs when possible.
Hey Vow!
If you'd like, you can actual refuse/not have any sex with character(s) of your choosing! So if you wanted to, you could just do a Rae only playthrough! (You may have to do other characters story quests to progress other quests, but the sex thing still applies!)
hello devs
when you will release it on public
Hey William!
0.7.8 will be releasing soon as a free release!
because it doesn't have a steam version 🤔
Hey Joss!
There are no plans to release AHITR on steam.
Ok thanks for the information
For that many fetishes. I'm very surprised there isnt a Pregnancy one. BUT given how the story is and might end, I can see that being a problem as well.
Best game ever! 1st game where i really want to full read the story and all characters are so exclusive, are So Alive. Thank you for compressed version that allow me play this great game.
P.s. i really hope - in the end MC will not became alone and when everybody will go to their worlds, because it break my heart, i really want to choose at least 1 girl to take her with MC for being together in any world that she want.
Hey Nikanor!
Very much appreciate your kind words and feedback, glad you've been enjoying your time with AHITR!
Lot of awesome content coming to AHITR, so we hope you continue to enjoy o/
How do you get the android version to work
Hey Dovah!
Our Android port has two parts: The AHITR Android launcher and the .rpa game file.
We have a step by step here:
Hope this helps!
So why isn't Cait chapter 25 showing up for me yet? I finished everything else, but no Cait chapter 25.
Hey Captain!
After finishing Chapter 25 for Cait, after a few days she'll come to you wanting to have a chat!
Hope this helps!
No chapter 25 isn't showing up at all, like not in the quest logs. I only have chapter 24 that's it, nothing else is happing.
Hey Captain,
Could you upload your save file, please? I can have a look and see what the issue is.
You can use any file site of your choosing (Drive, Mediafire, etc) or if you're on our Discord sever, you can shoot me a DM!
Thanks a bunch for your patience o/
how much of the story will be out with the 7.9 update and will there be further updates, (I love the game one of my first decently long novel type game I've played)
Hey r-dip!
Glad to hear you've been enjoying AHITR! Thanks for your kind words o/
7.9 has a lot of goodies and you can get a summary over here!: