Olá Eldjötnar, sou eu novamente. Há 1 semana atrás eu comentei e você me respondeu, espero que me responda novamente pois estou com expectativas altas sobre o jogo. Eu tenho um Android e a versão do meu AHITR é essa que está na foto, estou com um problema na missão 'Manga Research Club PT.4'(Character Lyriel) ela é a única missão que preciso terminar o jogo. Mas infelizmente não consigo dar continuidade em nenhum momento, já tentei de todas as formas que eu pude e nada disponível. Talvez seja um suposto Bug...não sei. Gostaria de saber como posso terminar essa missão e também queria saber se a nova versão do jogo para Android vai sair de graça ou pago?
This is a bug we've fixed and should be included in version 0.7.13!
The new version of the game first comes to the paid version and then eventually free. Here is the current schedule:
The Alpha build of a new version is released at the start of each month. About a week later the Beta build is released. Then after another week the Early Access version is released. Then about a month later this version goes free and public. This is the Patreon schedule, so its released everywhere else a bit later.
Hope this answers your question!
Este é um bug que corrigimos e deve ser incluído na versão 0.7.13!
A nova versão do jogo chega primeiro à versão paga e depois, eventualmente, à gratuita. Aqui está a programação atual:
A versão Alpha de uma nova versão é lançada no início de cada mês. Cerca de uma semana depois, a versão Beta é lançada. Depois de mais uma semana, a versão Early Access é lançada. Então, cerca de um mês depois, esta versão se torna gratuita e pública. Esta é a programação do Patreon, então será lançada em todos os outros lugares um pouco mais tarde.
I'm wondering how I can trigger Naomi' Story chapter 20? It's been there for quite a while, been doing the quests, and I'm not sure at what point I'm supposed to unlock it. Thanks!
What exact issue are you having with Chapter 20 for Naomi? If you have any other quests in progress, including the main story, you may need to do those first.
Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with payments not going through.
This could be an error on Itchs end and you may have to try again later. I'd also suggest maybe trying a different browser just in case too.
Hej Jane,
Przykro nam, że masz problemy z płatnościami.
Może to być błąd po stronie Itchs i być może trzeba będzie spróbować ponownie później. Sugeruję również wypróbowanie innej przeglądarki, na wszelki wypadek.
Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it! We've been testing sounds during sex scenes but nothing final and something we won't look at properly for a while yet.
Personally, I wouldn't stress over the sounds in sex scenes and vocals and so on. The game, as it stands, simply completely lacks in sound effects and ambience. It gets a bit old listening to the same two generic (mind you, they're not bad tracks!) songs on repeat.
Adding at least two or three more tracks would be great, and more common sound effects would help make things feel more alive. A splash of water in relevant pool scenes, a rumble in the beginning of the dollhouse scene, this sort of stuff would really help flesh the game out, IMHO.
I have a problem with eager student ch. 4 the door is always closed and i cant do the manga mission for the elf because cait and the elf always dont be together in cait's room and "hanging out with naomi" doesn't go away although it repeats the same dialogue over and over again and movie night also doesnt go away although i did it like 10 times
Ah, forgot to say, if you want to have a good time with the girls, you have to find two items for each girl (each one is different).
For example, Rae needs candle and cross to expel the demon in her. Then she could give you a "mouthful" of prayers. All the items can be found in the house, but you have to make the right choice, or you will end up falling of death.
What platform are you playing on and what exact issues are you having running the files?
On PC - Just download, extract and run. If you have any anti-virus software, it can sometimes flag the game as a false threat and corrupt the download. Also, if you're downloading here on Itch, don't download or leave the download page, as it can cause a forbidden error sometimes.
On Android, you'll need both our .rpa and game launcher. We have a step by step guide here: https://rift.ink/3PADL3p
Let me know if this helps!
Này Huy,
Bạn đang chơi trên nền tảng nào và chính xác bạn đang gặp phải vấn đề gì khi chạy tệp?
Trên PC - Chỉ cần tải xuống, giải nén và chạy. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ phần mềm chống vi-rút nào, đôi khi phần mềm này có thể gắn cờ trò chơi là mối đe dọa giả và làm hỏng quá trình tải xuống. Ngoài ra, nếu bạn đang tải xuống ở đây trên Itch, đừng tải xuống hoặc rời khỏi trang tải xuống vì đôi khi nó có thể gây ra lỗi nghiêm trọng.
Trên Android, bạn sẽ cần cả .rpa và trình khởi chạy trò chơi của chúng tôi. Chúng tôi có hướng dẫn từng bước tại đây: https://rift.ink/3PADL3p
I cant get the euther android version to work. Trued to download multiple times and the 2 different version but get the same error message of unexpected error when trying to extract the files
Will Azraesha get more content in the near future? She's by FAR my favourite character, I enjoy her content more than anyone elses. Cait's content is also very good. My least favourite characters are Lyriel and Blaire, especially Blaire annoys me most of the time.
Lyriel annoys me with her constantly contradictory behavior. She obviously wants to do naughty (or in her eyes perverted) things, but overaggressively reacts when the others talk about it with her or anyone else. It was slightly understandable in the beginning when she was new in the house, but the way she stubbornly continues acting like that through her content feels so inconsistent and not fitting. With Blair it's the same, but regarding her obvious interest in the arcane. But as soon as a more knowledgable person like Rae tries to explain it more in detail or even only *mentions* her totally obvious interest, she's acting unreasonably passive-aggressive in my opinion. Makes me want to yell at her that she either should admit she's interested, or completely shut up if she's unable to admit it. She has been shown so much proof of the existence of the arcane, but stubbornly refuses to accept the obvious, saying it must be tricks and bla bla bla. It made me so angry yesterday, I wanted to be able to kick her out of the house, tbh. She shows so much more negative than positive traits it's hard for me to like her.
Olá, Eldjötnar. Faz mais ou menos 3 meses que estou jogando o jogo, de fato posso garantir que a história é ótima e muito bem construída. A imersão do jogo faz com que nos deixe preso ao jogo e buscar saber mais e mais de tudo um pouco! Porém estou pensando em provavelmente contribuir com o jogo, existe algum cupom de desconto sob o valor da contribuição ou só um preço fixo? Após a compra quais benefícios eu ganho com isso e como faço para acessar as novas atualizações sem precisar desinstalar o jogo e não perder o progresso?
Very glad to hear you've been enjoying your time with AHITR! We greatly appreciate the kind words and support o/
Every so often we do sales or have bundles with other games as cross promotions, but those don't have exact dates or such, so I can't pinpoint it for you.
The paid version allows you to play a version ahead of the free release every time there's a new version/release to download here on Itch! Whenever a new update drops you can click it above and go to the download page to download it. Saves carry over automatically so you can resume wherever you left off :) Once a new version is downloaded, I'd recommend booting it up once so your saves sync over and you can delete any previous version(s) if you'd like.
Thanks a bunch for taking the time to play and support us o/
Olá JV!
Muito feliz em saber que você está aproveitando seu tempo com o AHITR! Agradecemos imensamente as amáveis palavras e apoio o/
De vez em quando fazemos promoções ou temos pacotes com outros jogos como promoções cruzadas, mas esses não têm datas exatas ou algo assim, então não posso identificar para você.
A versão paga permite que você jogue uma versão antes do lançamento gratuito sempre que houver uma nova versão/lançamento para baixar aqui no Itch! Sempre que uma nova atualização for lançada, você pode clicar nela acima e ir para a página de download para baixá-la. Os salvamentos são transferidos automaticamente para que você possa continuar de onde parou :) Depois que uma nova versão for baixada, recomendo inicializá-la uma vez para que seus salvamentos sejam sincronizados e você possa excluir qualquer versão anterior, se desejar.
Muito obrigado por reservar um tempo para jogar e nos apoiar o/
I’m considering making a contribution of $10 to support the game, but I have a question. If I purchase the game now for $10, will I still be able to access future updates that require payment? For example, if an update is released in a few months and has an additional cost, would I need to pay separately for that or not?
You will indeed! Purchasing the game gives you access to future versions here on Itch! If there's ever an issue, you can select the "I've already purchased this" at the bottom of the downloads section, which will bring you to a new page to email out your links to the game!
If there is any issues, you can always drop me a message and we'll sort it out o/
Love the game I just don't know how to trigger the manga club pt2 event they don't want to be in the same room together. But amazing game the character design and storyline is awesome you guys are amazing.
Thanks for the feedback, glad you're enjoying AHITR!
If you can't get both characters in the same place, you might need to complete certain quests for either characters personal story, or both. There might be some conflicting/overlapping triggers.
Hey!! Nice Game, i'm enjoying the story, yeah more than they h scenes. I'm just havin an issue, everytime i find cate running up to her room with the bananas, i can't get acceso to her room. It's the only task with her i have, but her room is always closed. Already maxed, i Guess, her stats, intimacy at 40 and lewdness to 20. I can't reach any more Stat points, so i think they are maxed. So My question is at least a tip to get inside her room, i want to know what else i need to do, to get inside. ._.)
Game looks fine but I'll be honest, that thumbnail is a huge fucking clickbait. I was hoping that was the artstyle of the game. Especially with it being animated at that.
Every so often we do specials (art books, or comics, for example) that will be the main header image of the game here on Itch. Most of the year, it will be the normal game image.
I do see how if you're stumbling upon this game for the first time it could feel like click bait. Appreciate your feedback on this!
So i 'am stuck in the story , after i go with Rae and Naomi to town and we have a cronfontation with the old man , Naomi does not leave her room anymore, witch prevents the part on the pool story because she doesn't go to lyriel room at night ,and the quest to naomi with Rea's teaching
If you have any other quests involving these characters or locations, you may have to progress those first for the quest to work. Continuity is something we're looking to refine overtime.
However, if you've done everything you can, you can upload your save to a file sharing site (Mega, Google Drive etc) and share the link here and I'll have a look for you!
I want to get the full version but how much more is there because i have like 8 things left then it says look out for the update. How much more content is in the current version.
I have an issue with the game, when i install the rpa file it tells me that is corrupt, idk why, bc the game have have always workerd, (i have an galaxy s24 ultra if u wanna know) and idk what to do now to fix it or to do. :/
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Blair's scene the real thing its not loading. Is it not ready or what
Hey Fat,
You'll have to reach certain points in Blairs main and side story first!
even with unlocked replay
is there a way i get input my old safe file? im not sure how
Hey Niklas,
If you have your old save, you can drop it in AHITR/Game/Saves on Windows and ahitr_storage on Android!
Hey Funny,
7GB is actually pretty average for an AVN nowadays, some are even double this size.
TThats insane dude
could I get a hint for the items to soothe blair in the nightmare?
Hey Lio,
Aim for getting the Hat and Wand!
the hat was clear but I havent come across a wand. I guess I´ll have to make another sweep
The wand is in the closet on first floor, when you go out from your room, just go downstairs, do not hesitate.
Olá Eldjötnar, sou eu novamente. Há 1 semana atrás eu comentei e você me respondeu, espero que me responda novamente pois estou com expectativas altas sobre o jogo. Eu tenho um Android e a versão do meu AHITR é essa que está na foto, estou com um problema na missão 'Manga Research Club PT.4'(Character Lyriel) ela é a única missão que preciso terminar o jogo. Mas infelizmente não consigo dar continuidade
em nenhum momento, já tentei de todas as formas que eu pude e nada disponível. Talvez seja um suposto Bug...não sei. Gostaria de saber como posso terminar essa missão e também queria saber se a nova versão do jogo para Android vai sair de graça ou pago?
Hey JV,
This is a bug we've fixed and should be included in version 0.7.13!
The new version of the game first comes to the paid version and then eventually free. Here is the current schedule:
The Alpha build of a new version is released at the start of each month. About a week later the Beta build is released. Then after another week the Early Access version is released. Then about a month later this version goes free and public. This is the Patreon schedule, so its released everywhere else a bit later.
Hope this answers your question!
-----------------------------------------Este é um bug que corrigimos e deve ser incluído na versão 0.7.13!
A nova versão do jogo chega primeiro à versão paga e depois, eventualmente, à gratuita. Aqui está a programação atual:
A versão Alpha de uma nova versão é lançada no início de cada mês. Cerca de uma semana depois, a versão Beta é lançada. Depois de mais uma semana, a versão Early Access é lançada. Então, cerca de um mês depois, esta versão se torna gratuita e pública. Esta é a programação do Patreon, então será lançada em todos os outros lugares um pouco mais tarde.
Espero que isso responda à sua pergunta!
I'm wondering how I can trigger Naomi' Story chapter 20? It's been there for quite a while, been doing the quests, and I'm not sure at what point I'm supposed to unlock it. Thanks!
Hey Secorr!
What exact issue are you having with Chapter 20 for Naomi? If you have any other quests in progress, including the main story, you may need to do those first.
Nawet jakbym chciał kupić to nie mogę.
Wpisuje kartę klikam zapłać i nic, 5 10 min n
I nic się nie dzieje.
Zostaje mi tylko wersja darmowa.
Hey Jane,
Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with payments not going through.
This could be an error on Itchs end and you may have to try again later. I'd also suggest maybe trying a different browser just in case too.
Hej Jane,
Przykro nam, że masz problemy z płatnościami.
Może to być błąd po stronie Itchs i być może trzeba będzie spróbować ponownie później. Sugeruję również wypróbowanie innej przeglądarki, na wszelki wypadek.
Will this game come to steam??
Hey Tommy,
No plans to release AHITR on steam.
Great game overall but missing out on sound effects and voices
Hey Middle!
Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it! We've been testing sounds during sex scenes but nothing final and something we won't look at properly for a while yet.
Personally, I wouldn't stress over the sounds in sex scenes and vocals and so on. The game, as it stands, simply completely lacks in sound effects and ambience. It gets a bit old listening to the same two generic (mind you, they're not bad tracks!) songs on repeat.
Adding at least two or three more tracks would be great, and more common sound effects would help make things feel more alive. A splash of water in relevant pool scenes, a rumble in the beginning of the dollhouse scene, this sort of stuff would really help flesh the game out, IMHO.
Of course I understand, I hope that it does eventually get to that point and I understand that it's not the current focus. I hope it all goes well!!
Congrats on reaching your goal
Thank you, Arcdemonic!
I have a problem with eager student ch. 4 the door is always closed and i cant do the manga mission for the elf because cait and the elf always dont be together in cait's room and "hanging out with naomi" doesn't go away although it repeats the same dialogue over and over again and movie night also doesnt go away although i did it like 10 times
here is the link of the last save:
Hey teslarap!
This was a bug we fixed and will be available for version 0.7.13!
Is there a goal in the nightmare part? I feel like I tried everything but always ended up falling...
The goal is to successfully have a "good time" with one of the girls.
Ah, forgot to say, if you want to have a good time with the girls, you have to find two items for each girl (each one is different).
For example, Rae needs candle and cross to expel the demon in her. Then she could give you a "mouthful" of prayers. All the items can be found in the house, but you have to make the right choice, or you will end up falling of death.
Ah that makes sense, thank you!
Do you plan on adding pregnancy in the future?
Hey Kayumi,
We currently have no plans on adding pregnancy to AHITR.
How to update the game?
Hey k1riru!
If you're on PC you can grab the latest version, download and extract.
On Android, download the latest .rpa and place it into your "game" folder inside "ahitr_storage" and delete the old .rpa.
We also offer a patch system over on our Patreon (which patches you from x version to x). Our latest free version can be found here:
Hope this helps o/
tôi không thể chạy file game
Hey Huy,
What platform are you playing on and what exact issues are you having running the files?
On PC - Just download, extract and run. If you have any anti-virus software, it can sometimes flag the game as a false threat and corrupt the download. Also, if you're downloading here on Itch, don't download or leave the download page, as it can cause a forbidden error sometimes.
On Android, you'll need both our .rpa and game launcher. We have a step by step guide here: https://rift.ink/3PADL3p
Let me know if this helps!
Này Huy,
Bạn đang chơi trên nền tảng nào và chính xác bạn đang gặp phải vấn đề gì khi chạy tệp?
Trên PC - Chỉ cần tải xuống, giải nén và chạy. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ phần mềm chống vi-rút nào, đôi khi phần mềm này có thể gắn cờ trò chơi là mối đe dọa giả và làm hỏng quá trình tải xuống. Ngoài ra, nếu bạn đang tải xuống ở đây trên Itch, đừng tải xuống hoặc rời khỏi trang tải xuống vì đôi khi nó có thể gây ra lỗi nghiêm trọng.
Trên Android, bạn sẽ cần cả .rpa và trình khởi chạy trò chơi của chúng tôi. Chúng tôi có hướng dẫn từng bước tại đây: https://rift.ink/3PADL3p
Hãy cho tôi biết nếu điều này giúp ích!
how do we get the whiskey for Naomi i can't find i
Search the refrigerator, you can find icecream, food ingredients or whiskey.
I’m so disappointed about the developer who made this game, it trash>:(
i am getting this error it driving me nuts I can't download it I am trying to do pc/windows
Hey Noah,
What error are you getting?
If its a download error, it could be on Itchs end, or if you have any anti-virus software, it could be flagging the content as a false threat.
Alternatively, you can try downloading from our Patreon:
i think it fixed now kept saying forbidden or something which is weird as i never had it as a issue with past downloads.
Also love this game
I cant get the euther android version to work. Trued to download multiple times and the 2 different version but get the same error message of unexpected error when trying to extract the files
Hey Phil!
When using the AHITR Android port, you'll also need to download our Android Launcher!
You can find it and the guide to install, here:
Hope this helps!
Yeah that sorted it thanks
Will Azraesha get more content in the near future? She's by FAR my favourite character, I enjoy her content more than anyone elses. Cait's content is also very good. My least favourite characters are Lyriel and Blaire, especially Blaire annoys me most of the time.
Hey Cryo!
She will be getting more content, for sure, but can't give an exact timeframe or such.
What annoys you about Lyriel and Blair?
Appreciate the feedback!
Lyriel annoys me with her constantly contradictory behavior. She obviously wants to do naughty (or in her eyes perverted) things, but overaggressively reacts when the others talk about it with her or anyone else. It was slightly understandable in the beginning when she was new in the house, but the way she stubbornly continues acting like that through her content feels so inconsistent and not fitting.
With Blair it's the same, but regarding her obvious interest in the arcane. But as soon as a more knowledgable person like Rae tries to explain it more in detail or even only *mentions* her totally obvious interest, she's acting unreasonably passive-aggressive in my opinion. Makes me want to yell at her that she either should admit she's interested, or completely shut up if she's unable to admit it. She has been shown so much proof of the existence of the arcane, but stubbornly refuses to accept the obvious, saying it must be tricks and bla bla bla. It made me so angry yesterday, I wanted to be able to kick her out of the house, tbh. She shows so much more negative than positive traits it's hard for me to like her.
What character creator engine do you use???
Hey Unknown,
Modified versions of Honey Select if I'm not mistaken.
This game looks fantastic, but before I get it I gotta ask; any option for a girl/futanari MC, or will there be in future?
Hey Mald,
We have no plans to add that as an option.
Olá, Eldjötnar. Faz mais ou menos 3 meses que estou jogando o jogo, de fato posso garantir que a história é ótima e muito bem construída. A imersão do jogo faz com que nos deixe preso ao jogo e buscar saber mais e mais de tudo um pouco! Porém estou pensando em provavelmente contribuir com o jogo, existe algum cupom de desconto sob o valor da contribuição ou só um preço fixo? Após a compra quais benefícios eu ganho com isso e como faço para acessar as novas atualizações sem precisar desinstalar o jogo e não perder o progresso?
Hey JV!
Very glad to hear you've been enjoying your time with AHITR! We greatly appreciate the kind words and support o/
Every so often we do sales or have bundles with other games as cross promotions, but those don't have exact dates or such, so I can't pinpoint it for you.
The paid version allows you to play a version ahead of the free release every time there's a new version/release to download here on Itch! Whenever a new update drops you can click it above and go to the download page to download it. Saves carry over automatically so you can resume wherever you left off :) Once a new version is downloaded, I'd recommend booting it up once so your saves sync over and you can delete any previous version(s) if you'd like.
Thanks a bunch for taking the time to play and support us o/
Olá JV!
Muito feliz em saber que você está aproveitando seu tempo com o AHITR! Agradecemos imensamente as amáveis palavras e apoio o/
De vez em quando fazemos promoções ou temos pacotes com outros jogos como promoções cruzadas, mas esses não têm datas exatas ou algo assim, então não posso identificar para você.
A versão paga permite que você jogue uma versão antes do lançamento gratuito sempre que houver uma nova versão/lançamento para baixar aqui no Itch! Sempre que uma nova atualização for lançada, você pode clicar nela acima e ir para a página de download para baixá-la. Os salvamentos são transferidos automaticamente para que você possa continuar de onde parou :) Depois que uma nova versão for baixada, recomendo inicializá-la uma vez para que seus salvamentos sejam sincronizados e você possa excluir qualquer versão anterior, se desejar.
Muito obrigado por reservar um tempo para jogar e nos apoiar o/
Greetings, Eldjötnar!
I hope this message finds you well.
I’m considering making a contribution of $10 to support the game, but I have a question. If I purchase the game now for $10, will I still be able to access future updates that require payment? For example, if an update is released in a few months and has an additional cost, would I need to pay separately for that or not?
Thank you very much for your time and help!
Best regards, Melo
Hey Melo!
You will indeed! Purchasing the game gives you access to future versions here on Itch! If there's ever an issue, you can select the "I've already purchased this" at the bottom of the downloads section, which will bring you to a new page to email out your links to the game!
If there is any issues, you can always drop me a message and we'll sort it out o/
Appreciate your support o/
Love the game I just don't know how to trigger the manga club pt2 event they don't want to be in the same room together. But amazing game the character design and storyline is awesome you guys are amazing.
Hey GodOfWar!
Thanks for the feedback, glad you're enjoying AHITR!
If you can't get both characters in the same place, you might need to complete certain quests for either characters personal story, or both. There might be some conflicting/overlapping triggers.
That should hopefully fix it!
Hey!! Nice Game, i'm enjoying the story, yeah more than they h scenes. I'm just havin an issue, everytime i find cate running up to her room with the bananas, i can't get acceso to her room. It's the only task with her i have, but her room is always closed. Already maxed, i Guess, her stats, intimacy at 40 and lewdness to 20. I can't reach any more Stat points, so i think they are maxed. So My question is at least a tip to get inside her room, i want to know what else i need to do, to get inside. ._.)
Hey leMark!
Glad to hear you've been enjoying your time with AHITR!
So this was a bug we recently fixed and has been included in 0.7.13!
Thanks. I thought i was doing something Bad. Even after trying different choices. XD
Again, this is a great story, You are doing a great job. You have My support. +_+)/
Game looks fine but I'll be honest, that thumbnail is a huge fucking clickbait. I was hoping that was the artstyle of the game. Especially with it being animated at that.
Hey Illustria,
This is actually a Halloween special for our Rift Friend tier (and above) over on Patreon (More info here: https://zanithone.itch.io/a-house-in-the-rift/devlog/817729/-halloween-special-double-feature-dont-miss-all-the-fun- )
Every so often we do specials (art books, or comics, for example) that will be the main header image of the game here on Itch. Most of the year, it will be the normal game image.
I do see how if you're stumbling upon this game for the first time it could feel like click bait. Appreciate your feedback on this!
Hey I downloaded the android version but it seems to be unsupported or corrupted when I downloaded it. How do I fix that?
Hey Death,
I'd make sure that the download isn't paused or interrupted as this can cause the download to corrupt and not run.
Also, if you haven't already, have a look at our Android installation guide:
Lemme know if that helps!
Just wanted to say...
are you able to transfer save files from older versions?
Hey Ihonestly,
You are but saves actually carry over automatically, so you can just boot up the newest version you have and play.
If you want to do it manually, you can drag and drop them into: AHITR/Game/Saves (On Android its AHITR_Storage).
Hey, is the gallery unlock code only available for patrons, or do I have access to it after purchasing the game here
Hey Incognito,
The gallery code is a Patreon exclusive reward only!
how do i unlock alchemical mishap?
Hey thatunknown,
Alchemical Mishap is from the Lost and Found alchemy mini game!
Can anyone tell me the save location in macOS?
Hey Ignign,
Your saves should be located in the game folder>game>saves
If not, try:
it was ~/Library/RenPy/AHITR
Thank you!
So i 'am stuck in the story , after i go with Rae and Naomi to town and we have a cronfontation with the old man , Naomi does not leave her room anymore, witch prevents the part on the pool story because she doesn't go to lyriel room at night ,and the quest to naomi with Rea's teaching
Hey Yond,
If you have any other quests involving these characters or locations, you may have to progress those first for the quest to work. Continuity is something we're looking to refine overtime.
However, if you've done everything you can, you can upload your save to a file sharing site (Mega, Google Drive etc) and share the link here and I'll have a look for you!
I want to get the full version but how much more is there because i have like 8 things left then it says look out for the update. How much more content is in the current version.
Hey Totally!
You can check out the changelog (which shows what's been added to the game) for each patch here:
I would pay unfathomable amounts of money to have something more with that Halloween version of the house
will there be pregnancy? I have no idea if I asked this before so sorry if I have. hope there will be tho.
Hey Potato,
We currently have no plans to add pregnancy to AHITR.
sad but oh well. I was hoping to give Rae (and the others) a big preg belly
What is the purpose of the italicized dialogue choices?
Hey What,
These are sometimes the actions the MC takes, but not exclusively.
I have an issue with the game, when i install the rpa file it tells me that is corrupt, idk why, bc the game have have always workerd, (i have an galaxy s24 ultra if u wanna know) and idk what to do now to fix it or to do. :/
Bro your just flexing your g goddamn phone
Hey Makarov,
Sometimes the downloads here on Itch can be a bit wonky. Also, if the the download gets interrupted or paused, it can cause the file to be corrupted.
Alternatively you can try downloading from our Patreon and see if that helps. Our latest free version is here: