Heya, I've been following this off and on a bit and noticed a couple issues on this return trip.
*Possible spoilers for newer players*
I continued a save from 0.7.2r3-pc (currently on 0.7.4r3-pc, so maybe this is fixed already on the patreon version), which worked fine till I completed Lyriel's personal story. After that, every "day" in either the afternoon or evening Lyriel acts as if I have not 'visited' in a long time. It got to the point where other stories could not be advanced as she would interrupt any movement, and the game is pretty much soft locked due to it. Granted, could kick her to the curb and lose points, but I gather thats not the intended rate of appearance. The main story was right before the first ether string snap, if that helps at all.
After that I deleted any old saves and started up fresh, which then I caught one other minor bug. When first meeting Naomi I had both x1 rare ingredients and whiskey to proc both scenes, but after they finished, I noticed my inventory had x2 of each; meaning they were added instead of reduced.
Beyond that thanks for your work, its been fun to dive into now and again.
hello, if i download a new version, does the game get automatically updated and i can continue or do i have to move files between the versions? If i don't have to move them, can i delete then the older version?
The patch system, which you download and run in the game folder containing the AHITR.exe and it'll patch you to the latest version (it will show what version from and to it'll patch and you can only do high res to high res or compressed to compressed, you can't mix and match).
Downloading the entire game is an option. Saves carry over so once you download the latest version you can always delete the old folder.
If you're playing on Android, download the latest RPA and you can delete the old one!
pretty new to this game and i was wondering if you're able to change the girls outfits? (for example making it so Rae wears her succubus outfit instead of her normal clothes) and if this isn't a feature are there any plans to add it in the future?
Absolutely love this game. The story is brilliant, the characters with different personalities adds more fun to the game.. I love the high quality animations and the insane amount of options you can have with each character that have their own uniqueness. I would definitely recommend this to people and I can't wait for future updates.
You can select the patch of the version you're upgrading to (it'll show what version it'll upgrade from and to), download and place it your game folder that has AHITR.exe, and run it!
Follow the onscreen prompts and it'll patch your game.
You can only patch compressed to compressed or high res to high res, you can't mix and match.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand the exact issue.
If you've experienced a crash, can you screenshot the entire string of text/the crash window and upload it here please? Or upload to a image sharing site (like imgur) and paste the link here.
Hi, could there ever be a change of plans or possibility? If it is unlikely then I would like to know, I still love the game all the same, just wondering if there was a possibility for some peoples fetishes but oh well :)
Fantastic! My only complaint is that you don't look at Rae as she leaves after bringing you breakfast in bed, like she's wearing the apron, why not look?! lol
Здравствуйте, могу ли я попросить вас добавить эту игру в магазин Steam так как поддержать ваш проект из России невозможно, а магазин Steam даст вам такую возможность
This is definitely among the best VN's I've played.
The only complaint I have is about Naomi and Yona. I realize this leans more toward personal preference. Still, I wondered why I couldn't get into Naomi's and Yona's content and realized they have the look of strong women but have these young, soft-looking faces that looks completely off to me considering their look and character, almost like white characters just painted green and brown.
Thanks a bunch for taking the time to play AHITR and drop by with your feedback, we appreciate it!
Its a completely fair point. We aimed to make a diverse cast of gals (both main and side) that would appeal to different folks, while still bringing high quality content both in writing and lewd stuff, but we also understand that everyone has their preferences and some content won't be their thing, and that's totally fine!
Thanks again for your feedback, we hope you enjoy the rest of your time and future updates with AHITR o/
The closest thing to a walkthrough would be the in-game quest journal, but we currently don't have a full guide outside the game itself. You might be able to find a fan guide somewhere or you could drop by our Discord and ask for any particular scenes.
The image gallery, most of the unlocks, if you hover over them, will show you what day/time you can unlock that particular secret, it just requires scanning each room of the house until you find the item.
I would like to discard this comment as my dumbass was just looking in the wrong spot, and i have now figured out where to put the file to make the game run
How would i go about updating the game on android? Do i just download the new version and move it to the same place in the files as if i had just downloaded the game?
Okay, even with the patreon link, after I download the rpa file what do I do with it? I've tried extracting, and nothing happens. It doesn't give me separate folders like other games do so I can move the game file to where it needs to go. It just stays as the same file and asks to be extracted again. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or just using the wrong app for unzipping.
Awesome, glad to hear :D Its the same process if you're updating to a new version (dropping the RPA into the folder - You can then delete the old version).
If you have any issues or questions, feel free to poke me!
hello guys I have an issue : I download the game then I obtain a .zip folder, but when a click on "extract" then I obtain a new empty folder so I can't play ... Does someone has a solution please?
Sorry you're having issues getting the game extracted.
This sounds like a possible corrupt download or your anti-virus software is blocking it from being downloaded/extracted. Some anti-virus software will block certain files as a false threat. If you can, please allow the program through and it should unzip correctly!
I hope this helps, please let me know if it works!
I had a bit of a sequence break (sorry I didn't make exact notes on the quest names); after I'd gone through most of Naomi's story, I got an activity for her to interact with Blair in the living room in the evening; problem is, this was the first time I'd seen Blair's name. I hadn't even started having dream options for her yet. When I was in the appropriate time and place, the scene triggered (with a black screen for the first couple of dialogues); my first interaction with Blair was Naomi bothering her to have a sparring match. Her name was ??? in her title, as an un-introduced character, but the dialogue referred to her as Blair clearly.
Loving this game, easily some of my favourite writing and characters from almost any adult VN I've played. Keep up the excellent work.
Very much appreciate you taking the time to drop by with the feedback. We're aware of this continuity issue and it should be fixed in a later version of the game.
Glad to hear you've been enjoying your time with AHITR overall and thank you very much for the kind words! We'll continue to keep bringing the awesome content o/
Is there a checklist of what content is currently available? I know we have the scene gallery in game, but there is a ton of content that's not in the gallery, and I want to make sure I've completed all the current story arcs and don't have to wait for anything new to unlock based on stats. Thanks!
With each update the questlog will have what's available if you've reached the point in that particular update. (Our announcement posts usually let you know what's in the current patch too).
In terms of the scene/image gallery: Outside of hovering over and seeing what time of the day you need to be at to find certain items, in a particular room of the house, some of the unlocks require special conditions. We want this to be a fun way for players to explore the house in an item hunt type of extra game, in a way.
I would suggest searching each room, for each time of day. Some are well hidden and others can be tricky.
If you'd like, we have an awesome community on Discord that might be able to help out too!
Thanks! I'm just asking because it's been about two weeks IGT and the only items I have left in the log are to hang out with Naomi and hang out with Blair, and I definitely feel like I'm missing something.
This is a really interesting game. But there ARE issues.
First of all, Naomi's nipples...You have like 4 colors on her models, and only one is appropriate. How in the hell did that carribean woman end up with nipples as pink as a 12 year old white virgin? I would donate heavily to this game if you can explain that in a way that is even remotely possible from a biological perspective.
Second, it just gets tedious having to wander around the house looking for which day of the week what girl will be doing things in whatever location at which time is necessary to advance their story. Most games of this convoluted style give the hint as to what day and/or time this can be completed.
Finally, by the time it becomes apparent that I am supposed to be rummaging for money, it just turns into a nightmare. I have done it now like 12 times and have $13. All because it is RNG as to whether it is a wasted time block, or actual cash found. And then, if it is cash found, it is some ridiculously tiny amount. How many times am I going to have to endure this in order to get the money for Rae's outfit? This is absolutely RETARDED!!! Do you work for Ubisoft? Where is the microtransaction store that will just sell me $500 in game cash for $5 real world money? That is the ONLY way that this idiotic system makes ANY sense at all.
What is a fun game is hamstrung by poor design decisions. Those three items are not the end of the list, but they are the most crippling. With two of them sucking every bit of fun out of the game like you stuck a black hole in the middle of it.
Thanks for taking the time to drop by and give your thoughts/feedback on AHITR, we greatly appreciate hearing what folks think about the game and areas that need improving.
I can give some context and info regarding the points you brought up!
In regards to point #1: Naomi's nipples. Originally this was a lore related reason. She had pink nipples due to her witch blood, but it has been brought up a bunch by players over the years/caused confusion that we ended up changing them over time, so this is why you'll see her pink nipples in earlier scenes.
Point #2: Navigation. The map will show whenever a girl is in a certain room, at that particular time of day and the quest log usually shows when/where you can proceed with a girl/when they come to you! In extremely rare cases we have some bugs with the continuity of where girls are, which have been fixed over time.
Point #3: Money. We do agree the money system isn't as good as it could be and we're looking into it down the road. Initially, money was used for going to the bar with Naomi, but as time went on
I hope this insight is helpful into the way some of the stuff is laid out in AHITR and again, much appreciate you taking the time to play the game and give us your feedback!
Actually, that was helpful. I really do like your game, and think that you could have one of the porn gems in the making. For the most part, the writing is really solid, and I like the various quest/time lines. The different personalities of the girls, the fact that the MC isn't just a simp, there is humor and sadness. It creates a (somewhat) believable world that feels more than just an empty porn set. Also, THANK GOD that it's not just another generic "you are a college freshman" game.
I'll be honest here. I looked at the map on day 1 in the house, and never opened it again. I probably should have, but I assumed that it was just a slightly less cumbersome fast travel system.
As for the money trouble, might I suggest either letting the wardrobe have you find a wallet with $25-50 in it if you want to keep the RNG system in place, or if you would like to drop that, just let the wardrobe allow you to find a wallet with a credit card in it, and all of the money troubles are over once and for all.
This is easily my favorite Adult VN (it was my first too) , it's simple, wholesome, the animation is great, Azraesha is obviously best girl, cait and Lyriel are tied second. Still sometimes replaying the whole story in new updates it's that wholesome
It's such a good game and I absolutly adore Azraesha. Greatly written character. Lyriel is also cool although at the beginning she was quite a bitch. Can't wait for future updates!!
is the android downloads not working for anyone else? i try download and it doesnt download a file. can anyone help? i had to clear my files by deleting all my games. so when i tired to reinstall it doesnt come up anymore either
I wonder, does the choices make any impact in this game? Like being more forceful or more kind, or is it more only different text and so during that scene/segment?
Choices may change some dialogue and some scenes (and some of the stat changes like intimacy etc) but they don't have an overall effect on the story/character progression etc.
The Beta should be released sometime soon! I'd recommend keeping an eye on Patreon and if you're in our Discord server, we make announcements whenever a new version goes live too o/
Great game so far but im stuck on the offer a bottle of whiskey to Naomi deal. I am not sure what i am doing wrong to not be able to complete that. I got the whiskey and have talked to her in the evening and so on. Any help would be great
Hey, thanks for the quick reply. Yeah, I sort of figured that out after day 40 LMAO. I feel so dumb on that lol. But i really do appreciate the help. This game is super fun to play.
PS: When i did figure out that it is repeatable, my head hit the desk and i questioned my sanity for not figuring it out sooner :D
So far, I know everyone probably goes for Rae, but I gotta go with Lyriel on this. I just started her so far in this (Have yet to get Yona or Blair), and I like how she was brought in by the MC. Don't get me wrong, Rae is great, so this be my ranking so far. 1. Lyriel, 2. Rae, 3. Caitlin & Naomi (Very hard to split those two up tbh) The end game, I hope he keeps em all, (at this point my mind is saying that may happen, but then again, could be a huge plot twist n nothing happens at the end and they all go back to the worlds they came from, but that my guess) but if I had to do a hard pick, i'd go with Rae/Lyriel....just cause Rae was first to be introduced, but then Lyriel, just cause she my fav right now. Overall, 10/10 in this game, including the bad yet funny puns put in there lol
Incredible game with loads of content, its kept me playing for quite some time.
I noticed that Blair is based on my country, Scotland, due to her speech. It was instantly recognisable however there is some misused Scots slang in the conversations.
“Nae” does in-fact mean “No”, however its complex in how it is used as it is closer to none of something. For example, when she recently joins you and is just looking and you try talk to her she uses “Nae. Just looking”. We wouldn’t use Nae in this sense, even less using it on its own. We would use something similar to “Na” or “Nah”. Nae is usually used mid-sentence like “There is nae x here” (none of an item) or “I have nae clue” (self explanatory) – there is the rare exception of “Nae way” for “no way” / shock expression (no belief).
I think I caught a few other instances of other words etc, however I cant remember off the top of my head. If you need a native speaker to go over all her dialogue, let me know.
(Sorry if I have bad English, it's a second language and I'm not using a translator tool)
Hi, I recently discovered this amazing VN and I'm loving it. The animations are so good, the plot is very good, much better than other game of it kind, and the characters are so fucking deep, they have their own things going on, and the fact that they aren't just fuck dolls without sentiments are amazing
I'm having a trouble with certain quest, like Manga research club P2, where they tell me I have to find lyriel and Caitlin in a room, but they never go to that room, or quests like lyriel story ch22, where they tell I have to find Yona, lyriel and Naomi in the garden, but they never go to the garden all together.
I'm in day 253 and I recently rescued Blair, and the story of yona is in chapter 3 or 4 I think.
Thank you for your kind words/feedback. We greatly appreciate the support! Glad you've been enjoying your time with AHITR o/
Usually if the girls aren't in the room they're supposed to be for a quest, it means you'll need to either progress with the main story or progress the particular girl(s) story.
I'd recommend doing both Cait and Lyriels stories and seeing it that helps.
It's hard to say, I find most of them really engaging! I do like the more romantic side building with Esha, while Cait's story with the university is also very compelling. Naomi is tragic and it's frustrating how obtuse she is, but it's also an understandable part of her character (but come on, you were dragged under by the kraken and missing for (for me) like 2 months, of course they'll elect a new captain). Lin is also really compelling as she slowly opens up to the others. I haven't had the others much so I don't have many thoughts on them yet.
is the quest to hangout with blair and naomi gonna end up with something? or its just loop? bcs thats two quest i cant get it done, even if i already finish all the quest... kinda feel like i didnt finish the game 100%, even if it is
The "Hanging out with X" quests are mostly designed as loop quests so you can learn more about that particular character (sometimes regular hangout activities can be blocked for story reasons) and can stick around in your quest log, even if you completed them.
If you see repeat scenes from hanging out, then you've completed all you can for those particular hangout activities.
← Return to game
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Heya, I've been following this off and on a bit and noticed a couple issues on this return trip.
*Possible spoilers for newer players*
I continued a save from 0.7.2r3-pc (currently on 0.7.4r3-pc, so maybe this is fixed already on the patreon version), which worked fine till I completed Lyriel's personal story. After that, every "day" in either the afternoon or evening Lyriel acts as if I have not 'visited' in a long time. It got to the point where other stories could not be advanced as she would interrupt any movement, and the game is pretty much soft locked due to it. Granted, could kick her to the curb and lose points, but I gather thats not the intended rate of appearance. The main story was right before the first ether string snap, if that helps at all.
After that I deleted any old saves and started up fresh, which then I caught one other minor bug. When first meeting Naomi I had both x1 rare ingredients and whiskey to proc both scenes, but after they finished, I noticed my inventory had x2 of each; meaning they were added instead of reduced.
Beyond that thanks for your work, its been fun to dive into now and again.
Hey Sb420!
Welcome back to AHITR! Glad to hear you've been enjoying your return.
There are a few continuity errors that we are working to iron out and will be fixed for future versions of the game.
Very much appreciate you taking the time to swing by with your feedback/reports, it helps us snag stuff we may have missed in testing.
Thanks again and have fun o/
hello, if i download a new version, does the game get automatically updated and i can continue or do i have to move files between the versions? If i don't have to move them, can i delete then the older version?
Hey 12Shido!
There's a few ways you can tackle a new release:
The patch system, which you download and run in the game folder containing the AHITR.exe and it'll patch you to the latest version (it will show what version from and to it'll patch and you can only do high res to high res or compressed to compressed, you can't mix and match).
Downloading the entire game is an option. Saves carry over so once you download the latest version you can always delete the old folder.
If you're playing on Android, download the latest RPA and you can delete the old one!
I hope this answers your question!
pretty new to this game and i was wondering if you're able to change the girls outfits? (for example making it so Rae wears her succubus outfit instead of her normal clothes) and if this isn't a feature are there any plans to add it in the future?
Hey thedryzombie!
Welcome to A House in the Rift, hope you enjoy your time with it o/
Currently there's no system to directly change the outfits of the girls and nothing is planned right now!
Appreciate you taking the time to swing by and with your suggestion too!
i need a little help! where do I find the catchphrase password for space dream? ( I chose med bay last)
Hey Silicant!
The code can be found in the living quarters, in the first period. The dream requires multiple playthroughs to get every event.
I hope this helps o/
The code is :
Absolutely love this game. The story is brilliant, the characters with different personalities adds more fun to the game.. I love the high quality animations and the insane amount of options you can have with each character that have their own uniqueness. I would definitely recommend this to people and I can't wait for future updates.
Hey Caused,
Greatly appreciate your kind words and for taking the time leave your feedback!
Who would be your favourite gal of the main cast?
Ruff time between Arzaesha and Caitlin, their stories are quite awesome and their characteristics are quite intriguing
Hey, i have a question, in dream 'full of stars' i find a screen where you can input a 4 number code. Where can i find it?
Hey YouStillStupidX,
The code can be found in the living quarters, in the first period. The dream requires multiple playthroughs to get every event.
I hope this helps o/
How do I update the game on PC?
Hey Anon!
You can select the patch of the version you're upgrading to (it'll show what version it'll upgrade from and to), download and place it your game folder that has AHITR.exe, and run it!
Follow the onscreen prompts and it'll patch your game.
You can only patch compressed to compressed or high res to high res, you can't mix and match.
I hope this helps!
Cannot fit long into an offset sized integer ?
Hey Your,
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand the exact issue.
If you've experienced a crash, can you screenshot the entire string of text/the crash window and upload it here please? Or upload to a image sharing site (like imgur) and paste the link here.
This is what I have got from the Log File:
Fri Mar 22 15:17:26 2024
Bootstrap to the start of init.init. took 0.00s
Bootstrap to the start of init.init. took 0.00s
Manufacturer ITEL Model itel A663L
Android Version: 13
Device Arch: android-armeabi_v7a
Screen diagonal is 4.97721370347 inches.
Version: Ren'Py
Early init. took 0.48s
Early init. took 0.48s
Attempting to sync your saves to/from stock ANDROID_PUBLIC location...
Android search paths: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.zanith_one.ahitr/files/../../../../Documents/ahitr_storage/game /data/user/0/com.zanith_one.ahitr/files/game
Full traceback:
File "renpy/bootstrap.py", line 275, in bootstrap
File "renpy/main.py", line 595, in main
File "renpy/loader.py", line 263, in index_archives
File "renpy/loader.py", line 134, in read_index
ValueError: cannot fit 'long' into an offset-sized integer
Before loading the script.
ValueError: cannot fit 'long' into an offset-sized integer
Thanks a bunch for the info! We'll have a look into this and I'll get back to you when I have more information.
Hey Your,
Can you try reinstalling the Launcher and see if that helps?
Also, what device are you using and what are the specs?
Much appreciated for your time and patience on this!
who got the secret code to unlock the gallery?
Hi Javi,
Secret codes are Patreon exclusive rewards for our $5 tier, Rift Neighbour and above.
You can read more here:
Hello i want to ask
I have version 7.1 , Haven't played this game in a long time.
Can save data move to version 7.4 for android ?
Hey Itsuka!
Saves carry over automatically to whatever version you're playing! So all you have to do is get the latest version and just continue :)!
will there be impregnation fetishes and scenes in the near future updates?
Hey DemonKing!
We currently have no plans to add impregnation/pregnancy content to AHITR.
Hi, could there ever be a change of plans or possibility? If it is unlikely then I would like to know, I still love the game all the same, just wondering if there was a possibility for some peoples fetishes but oh well :)
Hey DemonKing!
Apologies for the delay on this reply.
As of right now, there are no plans for content of this type. Appreciate your support nonetheless, it is appreciated o/
I have a question, is there no audio with the animations? Yes theres music but is there other SFX?
Hey Kage!
Currently there's no SFX or voice work for the sex scenes (Although, one dream has VA work for a sex scene).
No plans right now to add them but it is something that's been discussed a bunch over at our Discord server.
Fantastic! My only complaint is that you don't look at Rae as she leaves after bringing you breakfast in bed, like she's wearing the apron, why not look?! lol
That is a fair point, she does bring an entire bakery afterall 👀
Здравствуйте, могу ли я попросить вас добавить эту игру в магазин Steam так как поддержать ваш проект из России невозможно, а магазин Steam даст вам такую возможность
Из России нас теперь можно поддержать на Бусти! https://boosty.to/ahitr
Does this game do a new payment for each version or a one time payment gives you access to all new content as it releases style thing?
Hey Rikuso!
Purchasing the game gives you access to future versions of the game!
Hello, I'm trying to use this on android. How do I open the rpa files?
Hey Joemcfeabs,
The Android version of AHITR requires both the launcher and the RPA file.
We have a step by step visual guide here:
I hope this helps, if not let me know!
This is definitely among the best VN's I've played.
The only complaint I have is about Naomi and Yona. I realize this leans more toward personal preference. Still, I wondered why I couldn't get into Naomi's and Yona's content and realized they have the look of strong women but have these young, soft-looking faces that looks completely off to me considering their look and character, almost like white characters just painted green and brown.
The game is fantastic, regardless.
Hey Demented!
Thanks a bunch for taking the time to play AHITR and drop by with your feedback, we appreciate it!
Its a completely fair point. We aimed to make a diverse cast of gals (both main and side) that would appeal to different folks, while still bringing high quality content both in writing and lewd stuff, but we also understand that everyone has their preferences and some content won't be their thing, and that's totally fine!
Thanks again for your feedback, we hope you enjoy the rest of your time and future updates with AHITR o/
anyone know what's Lyriel's "secret animation variation" ?
Hey Sucky!
After you've washed dishes with Lyriel, and your lewdness is at a certain level, endure for several choices and you'll see the secret 8)
endure? what do you mean endure?
Don't cum and you should be fine.
do you maby intend to put the game on steam?
Hey Dobicheto,
There are currently no plans to release AHITR on Steam. You'll find it here on Itch or Patreon!
Hope this answers your question, thanks for dropping by o/
Umm.. does your game has a walkthrough cause i can't unlock all the gallery
Hey Tiok!
Which parts of the gallery are you trying to unlock?
Umm i tried to unlock Rea content , can u give me Rea walkthrough ?
The closest thing to a walkthrough would be the in-game quest journal, but we currently don't have a full guide outside the game itself. You might be able to find a fan guide somewhere or you could drop by our Discord and ask for any particular scenes.
The image gallery, most of the unlocks, if you hover over them, will show you what day/time you can unlock that particular secret, it just requires scanning each room of the house until you find the item.
Best of luck with it, though!
How the hell do I move the .rpa file to the game folder on files by google cuz I just can't figure it out, and if I can't soon I'll just give up
I would like to discard this comment as my dumbass was just looking in the wrong spot, and i have now figured out where to put the file to make the game run
Hey Frieza!
Glad to hear you got everything sorted! If you have any questions or such, please feel free to poke me o/
How would i go about updating the game on android? Do i just download the new version and move it to the same place in the files as if i had just downloaded the game?
Hey Toast!
You are correct! You can move the new version to the game folder like you would initially and delete the old .RPA!
Where i can find save files on macOS?
Hey Otec!
You can find your saves in: AHouseInTheRift\game\saves
Alternatively, you can find them here: ~/Library/RenPy/AHouseInTheRift
I've played the game a super long time but I had to reset my hardrive and lost all my progress. is there a way for me to skip forward in progression?
Hey Big!
Sorry to hear you lost your progress with your game.
Below is a link to a save, which has everything up to 0.7.4 completed! Hope this helps you get back on track with progress o/
Okay, even with the patreon link, after I download the rpa file what do I do with it? I've tried extracting, and nothing happens. It doesn't give me separate folders like other games do so I can move the game file to where it needs to go. It just stays as the same file and asks to be extracted again. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or just using the wrong app for unzipping.
Hey Kage!
The Android version of AHITR requires both the launcher and the RPA file.
We have a step by step visual guide here:
I hope this helps, if not let me know!
thank you, it did help! Now I understand how it works.
Awesome, glad to hear :D Its the same process if you're updating to a new version (dropping the RPA into the folder - You can then delete the old version).
If you have any issues or questions, feel free to poke me!
hello guys I have an issue : I download the game then I obtain a .zip folder, but when a click on "extract" then I obtain a new empty folder so I can't play ... Does someone has a solution please?
Hey Nousouka!
Sorry you're having issues getting the game extracted.
This sounds like a possible corrupt download or your anti-virus software is blocking it from being downloaded/extracted. Some anti-virus software will block certain files as a false threat. If you can, please allow the program through and it should unzip correctly!
I hope this helps, please let me know if it works!
Hey ! First thank you for your fast reply.
I will try it but it's the first time I have this issue and i've played a lot of game !
If you continue to have issues with downloading, I suggest trying our Patreon links, as Itch can sometimes have issues with downloads!
I had a bit of a sequence break (sorry I didn't make exact notes on the quest names); after I'd gone through most of Naomi's story, I got an activity for her to interact with Blair in the living room in the evening; problem is, this was the first time I'd seen Blair's name. I hadn't even started having dream options for her yet. When I was in the appropriate time and place, the scene triggered (with a black screen for the first couple of dialogues); my first interaction with Blair was Naomi bothering her to have a sparring match. Her name was ??? in her title, as an un-introduced character, but the dialogue referred to her as Blair clearly.
Loving this game, easily some of my favourite writing and characters from almost any adult VN I've played. Keep up the excellent work.
Hey Siolence!
Very much appreciate you taking the time to drop by with the feedback. We're aware of this continuity issue and it should be fixed in a later version of the game.
Glad to hear you've been enjoying your time with AHITR overall and thank you very much for the kind words! We'll continue to keep bringing the awesome content o/
Is there a checklist of what content is currently available? I know we have the scene gallery in game, but there is a ton of content that's not in the gallery, and I want to make sure I've completed all the current story arcs and don't have to wait for anything new to unlock based on stats. Thanks!
Hey Chazman89!
With each update the questlog will have what's available if you've reached the point in that particular update. (Our announcement posts usually let you know what's in the current patch too).
In terms of the scene/image gallery: Outside of hovering over and seeing what time of the day you need to be at to find certain items, in a particular room of the house, some of the unlocks require special conditions. We want this to be a fun way for players to explore the house in an item hunt type of extra game, in a way.
I would suggest searching each room, for each time of day. Some are well hidden and others can be tricky.
If you'd like, we have an awesome community on Discord that might be able to help out too!
Thanks a bunch for time/support with AHITR!
Thanks! I'm just asking because it's been about two weeks IGT and the only items I have left in the log are to hang out with Naomi and hang out with Blair, and I definitely feel like I'm missing something.
So this is intentional! Since both of these quests are repeatable, and a way to get to know Naomi and Blair better, it will remain in your quest log!
This is a really interesting game. But there ARE issues.
First of all, Naomi's nipples...You have like 4 colors on her models, and only one is appropriate. How in the hell did that carribean woman end up with nipples as pink as a 12 year old white virgin? I would donate heavily to this game if you can explain that in a way that is even remotely possible from a biological perspective.
Second, it just gets tedious having to wander around the house looking for which day of the week what girl will be doing things in whatever location at which time is necessary to advance their story. Most games of this convoluted style give the hint as to what day and/or time this can be completed.
Finally, by the time it becomes apparent that I am supposed to be rummaging for money, it just turns into a nightmare. I have done it now like 12 times and have $13. All because it is RNG as to whether it is a wasted time block, or actual cash found. And then, if it is cash found, it is some ridiculously tiny amount. How many times am I going to have to endure this in order to get the money for Rae's outfit? This is absolutely RETARDED!!! Do you work for Ubisoft? Where is the microtransaction store that will just sell me $500 in game cash for $5 real world money? That is the ONLY way that this idiotic system makes ANY sense at all.
What is a fun game is hamstrung by poor design decisions. Those three items are not the end of the list, but they are the most crippling. With two of them sucking every bit of fun out of the game like you stuck a black hole in the middle of it.
Hey GrizzledOldGamer!
Thanks for taking the time to drop by and give your thoughts/feedback on AHITR, we greatly appreciate hearing what folks think about the game and areas that need improving.
I can give some context and info regarding the points you brought up!
In regards to point #1: Naomi's nipples. Originally this was a lore related reason. She had pink nipples due to her witch blood, but it has been brought up a bunch by players over the years/caused confusion that we ended up changing them over time, so this is why you'll see her pink nipples in earlier scenes.
Point #2: Navigation. The map will show whenever a girl is in a certain room, at that particular time of day and the quest log usually shows when/where you can proceed with a girl/when they come to you! In extremely rare cases we have some bugs with the continuity of where girls are, which have been fixed over time.
Point #3: Money. We do agree the money system isn't as good as it could be and we're looking into it down the road. Initially, money was used for going to the bar with Naomi, but as time went on
I hope this insight is helpful into the way some of the stuff is laid out in AHITR and again, much appreciate you taking the time to play the game and give us your feedback!
Actually, that was helpful. I really do like your game, and think that you could have one of the porn gems in the making. For the most part, the writing is really solid, and I like the various quest/time lines. The different personalities of the girls, the fact that the MC isn't just a simp, there is humor and sadness. It creates a (somewhat) believable world that feels more than just an empty porn set. Also, THANK GOD that it's not just another generic "you are a college freshman" game.
I'll be honest here. I looked at the map on day 1 in the house, and never opened it again. I probably should have, but I assumed that it was just a slightly less cumbersome fast travel system.
As for the money trouble, might I suggest either letting the wardrobe have you find a wallet with $25-50 in it if you want to keep the RNG system in place, or if you would like to drop that, just let the wardrobe allow you to find a wallet with a credit card in it, and all of the money troubles are over once and for all.
How do you repeat the "rae under the kitchen counter" scene?
Hey Ch1dori,
Rae's under the counter BJ scene isn't repeatable just yet but it will be in a future update!
Thanks for answering!
This is easily my favorite Adult VN (it was my first too) , it's simple, wholesome, the animation is great, Azraesha is obviously best girl, cait and Lyriel are tied second.
Still sometimes replaying the whole story in new updates
it's that wholesome
Hey Artten!
Thanks a bunch for dropping by with your kind words and feedback, we appreciate it.
I think a fresh playthrough every so often is a great idea (since we also have done a few remasters of earlier scenes since the game has started).
We hop you continue to enjoy AHITR, thanks again for your support!
It's such a good game and I absolutly adore Azraesha. Greatly written character. Lyriel is also cool although at the beginning she was quite a bitch. Can't wait for future updates!!
Hey Essa!
Very much appreciate your kind words and feedback!
We hope you continue to enjoy AHITR, we got a lot of awesome content in store o/
is the android downloads not working for anyone else? i try download and it doesnt download a file. can anyone help? i had to clear my files by deleting all my games. so when i tired to reinstall it doesnt come up anymore either
Hey Jayjay!
Sorry to hear you're having issues with downloading the Android version of the game.
There might be an issue at Itches end, sometimes it bugs out.
If you're still having issues you could try our Patreon links instead:
Let me know if that helps!
Thank you for the help! I’ll try the patreon link right away
I wonder, does the choices make any impact in this game? Like being more forceful or more kind, or is it more only different text and so during that scene/segment?
Hey Heffekem!
Choices may change some dialogue and some scenes (and some of the stat changes like intimacy etc) but they don't have an overall effect on the story/character progression etc.
Hey Eldjötnar
IS the beta coming out tomorrow?
Hey Beasty!
The Beta should be released sometime soon! I'd recommend keeping an eye on Patreon and if you're in our Discord server, we make announcements whenever a new version goes live too o/
Great game so far but im stuck on the offer a bottle of whiskey to Naomi deal. I am not sure what i am doing wrong to not be able to complete that. I got the whiskey and have talked to her in the evening and so on. Any help would be great
Hey Brian!
Glad to hear you're enjoying AHITR!
If you're on the "Hanging Out With Naomi" quest, it'll remain in the log, as it's a quest for getting to know her more and is repeatable.
If its earlier on, you might need to progress her story or the main story more for it to trigger.
I hope this helps, if not, let me know!
Hey, thanks for the quick reply. Yeah, I sort of figured that out after day 40 LMAO. I feel so dumb on that lol. But i really do appreciate the help. This game is super fun to play.
PS: When i did figure out that it is repeatable, my head hit the desk and i questioned my sanity for not figuring it out sooner :D
Don't worry, it happens :D I'm just glad to hear you've been enjoying the experience so far.
Any particular favourite gal so far?
So far, I know everyone probably goes for Rae, but I gotta go with Lyriel on this. I just started her so far in this (Have yet to get Yona or Blair), and I like how she was brought in by the MC. Don't get me wrong, Rae is great, so this be my ranking so far. 1. Lyriel, 2. Rae, 3. Caitlin & Naomi (Very hard to split those two up tbh) The end game, I hope he keeps em all, (at this point my mind is saying that may happen, but then again, could be a huge plot twist n nothing happens at the end and they all go back to the worlds they came from, but that my guess) but if I had to do a hard pick, i'd go with Rae/Lyriel....just cause Rae was first to be introduced, but then Lyriel, just cause she my fav right now. Overall, 10/10 in this game, including the bad yet funny puns put in there lol
Incredible game with loads of content, its kept me playing for quite some time.
I noticed that Blair is based on my country, Scotland, due to her speech. It was instantly recognisable however there is some misused Scots slang in the conversations.
“Nae” does in-fact mean “No”, however its complex in how it is used as it is closer to none of something. For example, when she recently joins you and is just looking and you try talk to her she uses “Nae. Just looking”. We wouldn’t use Nae in this sense, even less using it on its own. We would use something similar to “Na” or “Nah”. Nae is usually used mid-sentence like “There is nae x here” (none of an item) or “I have nae clue” (self explanatory) – there is the rare exception of “Nae way” for “no way” / shock expression (no belief).
I think I caught a few other instances of other words etc, however I cant remember off the top of my head. If you need a native speaker to go over all her dialogue, let me know.
Hey Jord!
Glad to hear you've been enjoying your time with AHITR!
Appreciate the feedback and insight, and of course for dropping by the discord!
(Sorry if I have bad English, it's a second language and I'm not using a translator tool)
Hi, I recently discovered this amazing VN and I'm loving it. The animations are so good, the plot is very good, much better than other game of it kind, and the characters are so fucking deep, they have their own things going on, and the fact that they aren't just fuck dolls without sentiments are amazing
I'm having a trouble with certain quest, like Manga research club P2, where they tell me I have to find lyriel and Caitlin in a room, but they never go to that room, or quests like lyriel story ch22, where they tell I have to find Yona, lyriel and Naomi in the garden, but they never go to the garden all together.
I'm in day 253 and I recently rescued Blair, and the story of yona is in chapter 3 or 4 I think.
If anyone can help me I will be very happy 😊😊
Thanks to the devs for this amazing VN
Hey Crazy!
Thank you for your kind words/feedback. We greatly appreciate the support! Glad you've been enjoying your time with AHITR o/
Usually if the girls aren't in the room they're supposed to be for a quest, it means you'll need to either progress with the main story or progress the particular girl(s) story.
I'd recommend doing both Cait and Lyriels stories and seeing it that helps.
Let me know if that resolves it for you!
Loving this VN, definitely considering supporting the development going forward.
Hey Icecreep!
Thanks for taking the time to drop by for your support and feedback!
What has been your favourite moment/girl so far?
It's hard to say, I find most of them really engaging! I do like the more romantic side building with Esha, while Cait's story with the university is also very compelling. Naomi is tragic and it's frustrating how obtuse she is, but it's also an understandable part of her character (but come on, you were dragged under by the kraken and missing for (for me) like 2 months, of course they'll elect a new captain). Lin is also really compelling as she slowly opens up to the others. I haven't had the others much so I don't have many thoughts on them yet.
is the quest to hangout with blair and naomi gonna end up with something? or its just loop? bcs thats two quest i cant get it done, even if i already finish all the quest... kinda feel like i didnt finish the game 100%, even if it is
Hey Bonzie!
The "Hanging out with X" quests are mostly designed as loop quests so you can learn more about that particular character (sometimes regular hangout activities can be blocked for story reasons) and can stick around in your quest log, even if you completed them.
If you see repeat scenes from hanging out, then you've completed all you can for those particular hangout activities.
Hope this answers your question!