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I rarely comment on this site, but i just have to say that this game is amazing!


Hey Senti,

Thanks for dropping by, glad you've been enjoying AHITR! Any favourite characters/moments?

Cait's first time was very wholesome!

I'm subbed to the patreon and I used the code to unlock all scenes, I see a scene with Cait that says "spooning option" but when I click on it nothing happens. Do I have to do something before I can unlock it?


Hey Vox,

Thanks a bunch for the heads up, this might be a bug with the menu. We'll look into this!


this game is genuinely cool and funny at times but i hate Rae, i really wish there's an option to just HATE on Rae, like when people talk about the head wife say its Rae, i just really want to say "If there's a head wife it would NEVER be Rae". or when she's saying she likes the MC you can just say "I don't like you like that" or something along those lines.          (●'◡'●)      (i dislike rae)

I came for the asses and I stayed for the literal lore. By the way, what is Tanako's password when we are in the dream with Rae in space?

That is always different, you need to do some variation of check ups where a floating thing in medbay has a password

Estamos hablando de las frases, ¿no? No sé al menos cómo 3 palabras juntas xD no sé

How do I transfer saves from Android to PC

Hey Dark,

Saves for Android are located in "ahitr_storage". You can transfer them however you like (Cloud storage, via phone cable etc).

Once on your PC, drop the save(s) into your AHITR folder, "game" and then "saves".

Are there any cheat codes?

The game is very good

Hey Sobashi,

There's no cheat codes in the sense of adding money, stats etc.

I've got a problem with getting saves moved from one version and drive to another. Recently I've changed my pc but backed up the whole game folder. I've got the save file from 7.10 and when I put it into the 7.14 save folder nothing appears in the game.

Hey gujs!

If you've put the old save in the AHITR/Game/Saves folder, and nothing syncs in game, you might might need to make a dummy save first (Just starting the game and making a save) if not put the save(s) into the Renpy folder in your Roaming folder might help. To do that:

Press Windows key + r

appdata in the search field




and place your 7.10 save(s) in there. (and in the sync folder if you wish)

Going forward you shouldn't have to do it manually as saves should carry over automatically.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for help! Already somehow made it work by downloading a random  full save which somehow made MY save appear in game. Very weird but anyway grateful for help.

Hi, I'm sorry to write this here but I have no choice, I was banned from the discord server and I don't know why, I haven't entered discord in 2 days and when I entered today I was banned. By the way, great game, I'm looking forward to the next update.

Hey Paredes,

What's your Discord name? We tend to give warnings before banning people, and its usually only in severe cases. Or if your account was compromised.

Hi, my name on Discord is the same as here ParedesArmando.


I can't see any bans with your name. Do you have the correct server? You should be able to join.

(1 edit)

So I don't understand why I'm no longer on the server, when I try to join again it tells me I can't. 

You can try joining through this link:

However, I can't see anything at our end. You might need to contact Discord support.


one of the better and my top favorite novels, genuinely has a decent story too that worth paying attention too.

Hey jojo,

Appreciate the feedback! Glad you've been enjoying AHITR! Any particular favourite moment or girl so far?

I think both first times scenes from Caitlin and Lyril are my favorite scenes, as they tie for my #1 spot with Azraesha as my #2 

so i dont fully know whats going on but it isnt letting me download 0.7.15. itll download about a GB before sayin that the file isnt avalible from the site

I love the game overall but would like to update it to continue teh stor

Hey Walking,

Sorry to hear the download is being a bit wonky, this is usually at Itchs end. I'd recommend trying with a different browser just to see if it helps. If not, you could try the Itch app, which will download directly to it.

Thank you for making AHitR!  I first picked it up for the pr0n.  I'm finding myself staying for the worldbuilding and story (though even with the animation issue mentioned below the sex is admittedly part of why I'm still here).

I've completed the main story and most of the individual storylines in 0.7.12r3 and am now playing 0.7.13r2 (at this writing, up to day 76 and (rot13 possible spoiler) svefg guernq fanc jvyy unccra fbba) - in English, as implied by this note, and on Linux.  I've found numerous tiny issues, mostly unidiomatic English, but also a sprinkling of everything from an obvious spelling mistake to minor continuity flubs to possibly, even, code bugs.  Is there anything useful I can do with them?  I could just post the list here, but it feels slightly inappropriate to play proofreader (proofplayer? :-) in a public place like this.

I also have minor trouble with the game in that the animations appear to be completely broken; I get a black screen with, sometimes, text overlaid on it when I would expect an animation.  The problem is presumably somewhere between chair and keyboard, but, if someone with the relevant comptence to help me track it down, even if just by pointing me to likely causes, is inclined to, it would be much appreciated - I am very familiar with Unix derivatives in general but not with Linux at this level of detail.

If itch has any form of private message (I looked briefly but didn't see anything obvious), I'd be fine with taking any of the above off the public discussion area.  I could also go to off-itch email, but that's less likely to work, given the disaster most of today's email world is.

Hey Luchog,

Appreciate you taking the time to swing by and give your feedback/thoughts on your experience with AHITR so far!

We do our best to catch typos/grammar mistakes on our own passes and from feedback, but sometimes they do slip through. We have an official Discord and channel dedicated to reporting bugs/typos/etc. If you'd like, you're more than welcome to drop by and leave a post/thread for anything you've found:

As for the black screens/still animations during the sex scenes, this *might* be a renderer issues. You could try changing it in game by pressing Shift + G, selecting one, saving and restarting the game.

Hopefully that sorts it out!

Thanks again for stopping by, glad you've been enjoying AHITR overall :)


We have a guide here:



Can you make it in Chines


Currently we have no plans to add Chinese to the game right now, but its something we've discussed and will revisit sometime in the future.

(1 edit)

Hello, the actualization on version 0.7.14 happened to delete my saved data from 0.7.13 is there anythink to fix it, or i need to play the game from the start?

nvm, just copypasted saves in game file from 7.13 to 7.14 but the scene gallery remained fully locked

Im having issues  and im not sure if its the game or my computer. my old windows 10 laptop can run it, but on my new windows 11 laptop, it wont even open. Im not the most tech savvy person so im not sure what i can do to the game's files or my computer to fix it. Are there any solutions to this problem?

Hey Dr!

Sorry you're having issues getting the game up and running.

You could try holding shift while opening the game (holding shift and double clicking the .exe should bring up the options menu, you could try changing the renderer here, restarting and seeing if the game launches). Disabling the controller support (If enabled) can help in some cases too.

If by chance you're on an intel cpu (particularly i9) you can try this step (I found on Reddit):

Use Intel Extreme Tuning Utility. This is for Renpy games. Start it and in the first screen you'll have Performance Core Ratio 55x. Change this to 54x.

I'd also make sure all your necessary drivers are up to date (mainly your GPU).

Hope it helps and you can get back to playing soon!

Hello Eld!

Holding shift and disabling gamepad is what made if work in the end. Thank you for the help!

Hey i'm loving the game but i got a small issue I have no idea how to unlock the Alchemical mishap scenes (:

Hey Pirate,

You can unlock those via the alchemy mini game part of one of the lost and found quests. Be sure to save before hand!

loved the game the elf really made me want to drop this game, even after all the stuff.


Hey higarashiaya,

What about Lyriel don't you like? Interested to hear your feedback!


her personality, being aggressive with everyone for seemingly no reason is something i can't stand, even after knowing she was saved she decided to be extremely rude and disrespectful 


If it helps, she mellows out a ton once you get into her quest. By this point in the game, I'd say she's in my top 3, and I was similarly upset with how she treated Cait.

i'll try to go foward with her quest then, i for sure don't like how she treats Cait so i was avoiding any interactions with her

Lyriel is a total bitch at first, but that's completely intentional on the part of the writers, and the reason she acts that way will make a lot of sense once you get to know her more.  She's probably the most complicated of all the characters so far, and her story is really worth the time.

Oh, and the stuff between her and Cait, in particular, really, really pays off.

Hi there? Can you help me to find the the catchprase for encrypting the Android/Tanako at the space station? A lot of sentences make sense but I cant find the right one. Ty in advance

Hey Ologe!

Check the Medbay as your third location, it should give you the passphrase!

Thanks a lot!

Is there a new free update

0.7.14 should be dropping on Itch within the next few days!

So I managed to get the elevator door "ouchy613" thank you very much, but now I am at a complete impasse: what to do with the maze? What exactly am I looking for? There are portals, a time delay for 5 turns, events with girls after which they should come in a dream, events after which nothing will happen, a book with spells "Conquer Hearts", a portrait of Serenia, the diary of the school principal. That's all?... Or have I not found something yet?

You're meant to not find anything as far as I understand. Just try to get to as many "?" as possible before the timer runs out. There are 5 dreams to unlock. 

Nope, beneath the 5 dream you can find a handful of other spots. When you found all , Eurydice says "I think we have explored everything". So you might want to give it another try :-)



It is the dream!

I've been suffering for two days, I can't pick up the code for the elevator in the library, how to go through it?? I started playing a light, pleasant, relaxing puzzle game, and it turned into a tough brainstorm, author, why do you hate us so much?? I talked to each girl, tried all the codes that were offered there, 3 codes each... I tried on each option "let's think together" the elevator is still not available well, at least I did not forget to save before I start to solve it... So what is the algorithm of actions for finding a code??? Because the options that I see do not work.


Without spoiling it (or trying not to), I tried all the combos the girls suggested, then went back to the elevator one last time, and the character and girl decided one one last try, and it worked. I then loaded the previous save, immediately grabbed the levers in that order, and it worked.

So after trying all the suggestions, see if the girl by the levers and your character can make a final decision.

You're supposed to come up with your own solution, not any of the ones that are presented.  Think of it as a "Gordian knot" kind of situation.  The answer is way more obvious than you think.

(1 edit)

Why is it that when i try downloading android version, it keeps failing and tells me forbidden. Is there a way to fix

Hey Tobi!

On Itch, that usually indicates that the session or download has expired/interrupted. Staying on the download page usually helps.

However, if the issue persists, you can grab the latest free version from our Patreon here:

(1 edit)

Mine won't even download the high res version on android. I leave the download page open the entire time and have a 1gb internet connection. Yet everytime I try, it gets less than halfway done and just disappears and says "failed to download". It's there a way to get the 0.7.15  high res version from discord or somewhere else with proof that I paid the 8 bucks? 

(1 edit)

Hey Jay,

Sorry to hear about that. Itch can be a bit spotty at times.

If you drop me a message on Discord we can help further:

I appreciate it but I just downloaded the compressed. There isn't much content in this one anyway. If only I cour figure out the jingle bells mission, it doesn't say what doorway or what time of day. Other than that I've already finished the update content. 

I installed your game. It had a size of 9 GB. After installing it, I had 50 GB of storage space. After running the exe, my storage space decreased to 35. I deleted the zip, but my storage space did not come back. Where are the game files put?

Hi W9SE!

If you're using the itch app, you click "preferences" and check "Manage Install Locations" alternatively, if you can click "Scan install locations of games" on the app homepage. Also make sure to delete the zip from your recycling bin!

If you're on Android, the game is extracted to "documents/ahitr_storage/"


Hi, I really love your game and just want to say you've done an amazing job especially with Rae. I liked Rae sm I even downloaded your other game named a date with Rae... I have a little request can there Rae be more focus on content for Rae please. I'm at 426... And I even remember the name of the last two girls because they feel.... Idk. But RAE! Is a gem from your game! If you could add more of her content please do!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there anyway to fix your saves i have 235 days in it's okay if not I'll restart but I really don't want to if don't I have to

Just load it, save files can carry over. 

I keep getting this

Sorry, can't help you. Mine is PC version. (Oo)

Hey MyDad,

Can you explain how this happened and are you using the Android + .rpa file combo?

Will do my best to help!

I think it's something I did I downloaded the compressed and then tried to replace that with the Hi-res

Android you can interchange between compressed and hi-res. Have you followed this guide, by chance?

(1 edit) (+1)

is the premium version an ongoing 'game purchase', or does the purchase only apply to this version of the premium tier?


Hey Ghryst!

Its ongoing. So if you purchase at anytime, you have access to future versions too!

cool, thanks for the quick reply :) 

Hellooo ! Loved the game for a long time now ! Though I have an issue lately. Just changed computer recently and, while I had no issue with scenes on the older one, it seems they are not playing on the new one. I just face fixed images. Do you know how it would be possible to resolve that ? D:

(Old PC : i3 / 1050Ti ; New PC : i9/4070, just putting that here in case that can help.


Hey Daemonum!

This could be a Renpy issue or a codec issue. 

In game press "Shift + G" and a menu will appear. You'll have a few options. One being the renderer. You could try changing that, closing the game and reopening.

Alternatively, you can try grabbing a codec pack (and make sure drivers are up to date too).

Sadly the render change doesn't work. My drivers are up to date so might need a codec. Do you have any recommendations ?

Anything that works for Renpy games, but sorry to hear that it didn't fix things.

(1 edit)

Is the main way to progress the story by just doing rae's quests or do you have to do all the other girls too?

Rae and Lyriel are my waifu =w=

I'm not into the other chicks but they're all unlocked but I'm stuck at ch.30 for lyriels, says continue main story

Hey Mike!

Some triggers can overlap, so you might have to do some side quests to progress!

anybody know the password that open something in the spaceship i cant find it anywhere


Hey Bubuu!

Have a look in the Living Quarters in the first period of the dream! It'll take a few runs of the dream to see everything!

Hey guys, a couple questions, but I'll start with praise. I am someone that reads at least 3 books at the same time and I discovered this game. I haven't let go in 5 days. The story is great, the writing is exceptional and the sex is really nice!! Thank you!! Now I want more!
I am playing the free version and I am now stuck it seems. How do I finish the bdsm scenes with Yona, she only gives me the basic sex and I can't get any more points. What about her spirit quest? How do  I get Caitlin to have sex with me in the library again when she is on my lap? or how do I help her with her cornflakes in the morning? Is that last scene with cait and Lyriel together the only one I get in the free version?   I am also missing a few Cait scenes, but no more quests for her.
I am definitely willing to pay for this game! I am just worried that when I pay Patreon, like I did with Project helius, that I get no answers and no extra content. Can someone advise me exactly how I donate and the amount?
Thanks guys and keep up the amazi


Hey LordBosk!

Glad to hear you've been enjoying your time with AHITR, we appreciate the kind words!

The schedule of releases for the game are as follows:

The Alpha build of a new version is released at the start of each month. About a week later the Beta build is released. Then after another week the Early Access version is released. Then about a month later this version goes free and public. This is our Patreon schedule, it then gets released here on Itch (and elsewhere) a tiny bit later.

There are Patreon exclusive rewards too (In-game content via dreams, voting on polls, Discord roles and our Patreon only channel where we drop sneak peaks and sometimes WiPs). You can also leave feedback or DM me if you have any issues or questions on Discord too!

In regards to your gameplay questions, if you swing by the Discord, can help you more in detail, if not lemme know!

Thanks again for your kind words and for taking the time to play AHITR!


I'm on day 60s. It is wholesome game. It is made my life. I'm happiest human who have ever lived. 

Rate: 100/10 

Hey fufu,

Glad you're enjoying your time with AHITR! Do you have any favourite gals/moments?


It's challenging to answer, as everyone possesses unique characteristics and assets that make them, likeable.

Ezraesha, with her eloquent command of language, speaks with such refinement and grammatical precision that her words carry both elegance and persuasion. Despite her youthful appearance, her manner of speaking exudes wisdom and experience, making her seem far older than she is. The way she articulates her thoughts makes her my favorite, surpassing all others. And her narrative, seamlessly interconnected with the central plot, consistently evokes the question, "What happens next?" Brimming with curiosity, exhilaration, and an engaging quality, her story has unequivocally secured its position as my favorite. Could this preference stem from her status as the Main Wife?

Then there’s Caitlin, whose blend of shyness, innocence, and subtle mischief evokes a sense of guilt in me rather than excitement—if you understand what I mean. I find myself uncomfortable with the inappropriate nature of things, even though this is a game of that kind for the first time. Yet, there’s something about Caitlin that makes me feel she is the kind of person who must be protected, even though, in a way, she seems to invite it—if you catch my drift.

The next character is the elf—Lairir, if I'm not mistaken. Based on records, people tend to make "punch memes" about girls like her—tsundere types, in a playful way. Personally, I don’t share that sentiment. I find her personality the most humorous among the cast. Her story had me laughing uncontrollably; it’s impossible to hide my amusement. I even feel like I lose a bit of myself when immersed in her narrative. And yet, she’s undeniably captivating and thrilling in those pivotal moments. That said, I can’t help but feel a bit frustrated with whoever designed the four-choice scenarios that lead to the same outcome. I kept going back and forth, only to end up in the same place. Like, seriously—WHY?

I’m not particularly fond of the big, brute-type girls—Naomi and Yona aren’t really my style. I tend to prefer monster girls, but if it involves an orc race, I’d rather be the monster myself. You know, something bigger—much bigger.  

As for the Blair, I’m not into using toys. It’s just a personal thing—I don’t find them appealing when it comes to that kind of stuff.

That's should covered most. I’ve finished the main story for now. However, there are still plenty of individual stories for each girl that I haven’t explored yet. I apologize if I’ve been overly talkative, and if anything I’ve said has offended you, I owe you my sincerest apologies. Amd thank you for reading up to this point.

Just passed day 444 here :) it's a good game, and I appreciate all the updates, as they come out :)

Have you been following this game for a while, or did you just stumble upon it in its current version? Reaching 444 days, must have taken quite a few weeks of persistence and patience.  Furthermore, may I ask you a question? When updating the application, is it sufficient to replace the old .rpa file with the new one, and would this have any impact on the saved data?

I've been following this game quite a while, yep. But I also play it sometimes in a less-than-efficient manner - like if I know something I want is coming up on a Saturday, I'll skip right through, as much as I can, so could waste 7 or 14 datys just getting to the event. There was another time the book said to wait for one of the girls, so I skipped ahead several days before realizing I had to hit a prerequisite lol.

I have eight games that I keep on my phone, playing new updates as they come up, and this is one of my favourites. Playing multiple games keeps me from going crazy waiting for an update :)

Such dedication, must been taken a while. Anyway, is it sufficient to replace the old pack rpa with the new one when I want to update the version? Would it this have any impact on the saved file?


Hey gbrn,

You can delete the old .rpa after placing the new one! The saves will carry over automatically!

is there impregnation ?


Hey Spy,

There's no pregnancy content and currently no plans to add in the future.


ah ok, thanks for the reply

Deep pain is felt in the heart region...

What is the difference between compressed and hires rpa

In android. Which is better


Hey Horimiko!

To update to the latest version on Android, you can download the newest .rpa and place it in your folder where you initially installed and delete the old .rpa.

We have a step by step guide here:

Compressed has an overall lower image and video quality. If you'd like higher resolution images/videos, I'd download the hires. Compressed saves space overall.


"I have a question: how can I update my app to the latest version? I already have the app installed, but it's not the latest version. I'm playing on Android, and my current version is v0.7.11r2. What should I do to update it to the latest version?"

v0.7.13r2 day 197
-Hanging out with Naomi- Quest never ends despite trying all combinations of text options.
-Lost and Found pt. 7- Cooling the mixture between disolving the Antimony and adding it is cruel. Fuck you for tricking me like this for so many attempts.
-Gallery- Some images don't have tips on them. Namely Rae 1, 2, 7, 8 - Naomi 1, 2, 7, 8 - Lyriel 5, 6
-Fridge- Still haven't found a use for icecream.

-What the Future Holds?- Appears to not be enough content as I want more.


Hey tr,

Hanging out with Naomi is currently bugged and will be fixed for a future version. It'll remain in your log for now, but won't stop/interfere any progress!

The gallery items that don't have any hints on them are intended! These are extra secret 8)

One day, we'll find out what the ice cream is for. One day..

Game/Novel will not play on my PC. I run Win 11. Zip file downloads and is extracted without issue. However, 'ahitr.exe' begins to load then box appears saying - "ahitr.exe has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."

Any advice would be appreciated. Other titles from work fine - Eternum, The Awakening to name two.

Hey Sktg51!

Sorry to hear the game has been giving you issues opening. I'd recommend checking to see if the download corrupted (which can sometimes happen on itch from interrupted/paused downloads).

You can also try to see if the 32-bit version of the game runs for you.

Alternatively, you can try one of the download links from our Patreon. Here's a link to the latest free version:

Lemme know if this helps!

Thanks for advice, but no joy. Novel seems to load and get to stage where the title screen should appear, but I get a white window, then the Microsoft message immediately appears. (As an aside I have the same problem with only one other title called "Ripples").

Hey Sktg,

Sorry that those tips didn't help with getting AHITR up and running.

You could try holding shift while opening the game (holding shift and double clicking the .exe should bring up the options menu, you could try changing the renderer here, restarting and seeing if the game launches).

If by chance you're on an intel cpu (particularly i9) you can try this step (I found on Reddit):

Use Intel Extreme Tuning Utility. This is for Renpy games. Start it and in the first screen you'll have Performance Core Ratio 55x. Change this to 54x. This might help with the crashes.

Hi. Thanks for feedback. I am using and i9 CPU so will try your suggestion. Cheers

Currently at around day 95, kind of lost how to progress further. Almost all of the dialogue and events repeat and the journal isn't much of help cause the hint is that I have to progress with the main story.

Hey Matissker!

The main story should be the quest that's labelled in plain black text!

You may need to see what dreams are also available!

 i've hit end of route for current free version. How much more game play in the latest version?


You can see the changelog for the latest versions here:

There's a super big event (The Heist) that I would highly recommend checking out!

Great game. Better if there's a Chinese translation, maybe you can use AI to help you with the translate and come up with an official translation in the future. 

Hey Perz,

This is something we'd like to do and have discussed it a bunch, but something that isn't a priority right now, but isn't off the table.

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