Dream Date Diary Artbook - Last Chance!

Hurry: the special offer for the Anniversary Artbook is available on Patreon only through May to the Rift Friend and Rift Resident tier! The offer ends May 31st, and after that date the artbook will remain available only to those who pledged in May. It will stay exclusive for at least about a year.

If you pledge now, you will be able to get the current version, and the additional bonuses that will be sent out in June. Bonuses will include all the artworks in HD, some variants of the artworks, bonus animations, and all the options for the Lyriel Stripgame that is currently running on Twitter.

You can find the current version here with all the girls ready to go: https://rift.ink/3UYaeTb

Don't miss your chance to take the girls on the best date of their lives!

Pledge now!

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Looks like the Lyriel Stripgame link is effectively a "dead" link as when click on it, it gives a page not found for me.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey Techie!

Appreciate the feedback. It seems its broken on mobile (At least for me it is) but working fine on desktop. Not sure why! You can find it on our Twitter (if you haven't already):

Update: Here's the link https://x.com/zanith_one

i think the Succubus is Cuter than the Elf