Im on android, i just installed the latest uodate. Everything seems good but any animations there are are very jerky and jittery. Is there a known fix for this?
Unfortunately you can't. There has been a bunch of discussions within the community and various theories. I think the main point I see come us is that people think she wants her own independence while they live in the house, and her way of doing so is to sell the band herself
Been having an issue where I saved during the Halloween movie sequence, and now I can't load the save anymore without the game crashing. Any idea how to solve that issue? I'm on ver. 0.7.17.
Sorry to hear you're having issues with your save.
Does rolling back or ignoring resolve the issue? If not, can you post your save here (You can do so via a file sharing site. Mega, Google Drive etc - Just make the file isn't private if doing so). Will have a look and see if we can get you back on track.
The current behavior is that when I go to load the save, the game doesn't give me the option to rollback or ignore the issue like how Renpy typically does; the entire app just becomes unresponsive and the only interaction I can have with it is force closing it. I've redownloaded the 0.7.17 from patreon just to see if that changed anything, however that didn't seem to do much.
I've uploaded the the save to google drive here. Let me know if there's anything on my end that I need to do.
i can't extract the files on my samsung , even with some application i download in play store , so if anyone know how i can do it , it will be a great help
Completely stuck and can do nothing in the game please help! So I am on day 2 and the game took me to my room in the evening, But.... It won't let me sleep saying I'm not tired yet and it wont let leave the room to go anywhere saying I don't need to sneak around the house at night, and there is nothing else to select in the room but the bed so I can do absolutely nothing! Can't sleep and can't go anywhere in house so now what?? At a complete dead end and would really appreciate some help! Thanks all!
This was fixed for 7.15, which is the current free version. If you don't want to download it right now, just don't shower in the early game. In the main menu start game, it'll start a new game for you.
I do understand it can feel like that from time to time. We do try and approach it in a balanced way, of sorts. We have the main story, personal stories of each of the gals, some side events and dreams. So you'll see a bounce between those over time.
Did you finish the quest "lost and found"? It contains the alchemy scenes AND you must successfully make the potion then it'll unlock the alchemy scenes. Hope my answer could help you.
This is most likely an issue at Itchs end. If you haven't tried a different browser already, I'd recommend doing so. If the issue persists, you could try heading over to our Patreon and trying there. Here's a link to the latest free version (You'll need a Patreon account to download, but you can sign up for free!):
A House in the Rift is something truly special. The characters feel real, their stories are deep and emotional, and the writing is filled with warmth, humor, and heart. The atmosphere is so immersive that it feels like stepping into another world, one you never want to leave. Every little detail shows the love and passion behind it. It’s rare to find a game that resonates so deeply. Huge respect to the creator for crafting such a beautiful and unforgettable experience! I literally created my account just to show the creator my appreciation. Love this Game!
Thanks for taking the time to swing by and leave your feedback! Very much appreciate the kind words. Glad to hear you've enjoyed your time with AHITR so far!
Do you have any particular favourite character and moment?
As always enjoying the story. I am on the latest 7.17 and it talks about making potions?? I have been following the game, but have completely missed that quest or activity. How far back do I need to go to activate the making potions section? thanks
Really good game, probably gonna add this to my patreon budget. But I gotta ask, is there something up with Naomi and Cait's hang out quests? they seem to stop progressing at some point and Cait just locks herself in her room with her banana. Its been a while since I played so I figure I should ask if that got addressed. Still though, great game with a lot of care put in.
Has the story kind of dried up? I feel like in the last few updates there hasn't been any main story progression! It was super interesting so I'm kind of sad. This was one of the first indie AVN that had a story that hooked me so fast.
I know it might feel like that but we do our best to balance personal stories of the gals and progressing the main story. We also have side events and sometimes dreams to consider into the mix too, so you'll see a back and forth.
Tonight was my second playthrough of the game. When I first considered returning, Rae immediately came to mind. The next thing you know, a quote from Invincible popped into my head and then I told myself, "I think I miss my wife." Jokes aside, this is an S tier AVN with the perfect blend of monster girl, slice-of-life, fantasy and adventure. The story is actually very well-written, and the girls are both memorable and full of personality. AHITR is also home to one of the kindest and most understanding protagonists I've ever seen. It's extremely rare to come across someone like Steven in this male-dominated landscape.
We have some scenes with voiced lewd sounds but that's about it for now. It's something we come back around to test every so often but it's not a priority right now.
Absolutely love this game, great characters, story and enviroment. Cant wait to see more. I do have to ask, when finishing inside some of the girls remark about pregnancy. Will that be a factor/fetish in the future? Love the idea of making love to our girls pregnant.
Hey, love the game and just wanna let the devs know there is a glitch I accidentally discovered where you can have sex with cait in the shower before taking her virginity if her lewdness is high enough.
I don't have a comprehensive list of what tags can be avoided, but almost anything outside of vanilla-ish can be avoided and you don't have to lewd a particular girl if you don't want to. The main story can be done without it.
I know it's not 100% what you were looking for, but hope it helps enough to get a rough idea!
Loved it for most part, loved Rea, Cait and Lyriel, Yone also good but I really cant stand naomi.. I whish that it would be possible in further updates to just skipp her and the dwarf but not loosing a lot of content related to others.. Otherwise great game!
Appreciate the screenshot! Can you drop your save here too please? (You can find it in "AHITR/Game/Saves" and upload it to any file sharing site like Mega, Google Drive etc).
Idk if it's just me but I've completed all of the quest but never got the alchemy thing with the potions you have to make. I also never got the shrinking scene with Rae. Idk if I've just got to restart or something but I'm just stuck on "What the Future Holds?" No more personal quests or anything. Any help would be great. Thanks.
Try rollback, most of the choices are very simple, +love, +lewdness, +nothing, if you choose to be an axxhole, -love most of all, so just be nice and caring that would do the trick.
Slight request for android releases - for simplicity can you leave the updates on the apk until it hits near 2gb again? Means less tinkering on both ends i think
Unfortunately, there's currently no system in place for Android like that. We are looking to streamline the Android process in the future, but for now this is what the system will be.
umm to be absolutely clear, the bulk of the game is currently being loaded into RPA files such that updates require the rpa and apk both to be downloaded and installed each update. My request/ suggestion is to leave the recent stuff out of the rpa. At least until it starts hitting the limit again.
Saying that in case it was misunderstood. As to being possible or not... it is; this game is the only one that i have to download and install an rpa each and every time. I make this suggestion on every game that i play that gets to the apk limit on file size. The other part to my suggestion is usually - if you don't know how to do it, ask basically any big porter on f95 as it's pretty standard practice at this point and i don't know the back end to even try and explain how it's done
The current system works like this: there's no game code or content in the launcher at all. The whole game is packed into the RPA file. We won't be changing this in the near future due to our current content and build pipelines.
I really like this game! Do you have any plans to release it on Steam in the future? (Sorry, English is not my native language; I used Google Translate for this.)
Currently we have no saves per update to offer. All new content gets added to your quest log so if you have a save from back in 0.4.0, you'll get everything to do if you update your version.
This is a bug that was later fixed in a future version of the game. If you use the shower early game, you'll need to reload a save or start a new game!
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Im on android, i just installed the latest uodate. Everything seems good but any animations there are are very jerky and jittery. Is there a known fix for this?
Hey Justinc,
This could be a Renpy issue or even a device thing (Or a combination of both).
Can you stop rae from selling her arm accessory?
Hey Saiba,
Unfortunately you can't. There has been a bunch of discussions within the community and various theories. I think the main point I see come us is that people think she wants her own independence while they live in the house, and her way of doing so is to sell the band herself
Been having an issue where I saved during the Halloween movie sequence, and now I can't load the save anymore without the game crashing. Any idea how to solve that issue? I'm on ver. 0.7.17.
Hey nyooom!
Sorry to hear you're having issues with your save.
Does rolling back or ignoring resolve the issue? If not, can you post your save here (You can do so via a file sharing site. Mega, Google Drive etc - Just make the file isn't private if doing so). Will have a look and see if we can get you back on track.
The current behavior is that when I go to load the save, the game doesn't give me the option to rollback or ignore the issue like how Renpy typically does; the entire app just becomes unresponsive and the only interaction I can have with it is force closing it. I've redownloaded the 0.7.17 from patreon just to see if that changed anything, however that didn't seem to do much.
I've uploaded the the save to google drive here. Let me know if there's anything on my end that I need to do.
Hey Nyooom,
So the scene eventually plays for me, but it does take a few mins. I was able to progress by the movie scene, and have it saved just as it ends.
Unfortunately saving during movies has a chance to lock saves up. Sorry for the hassle!
i can't extract the files on my samsung , even with some application i download in play store , so if anyone know how i can do it , it will be a great help
Hey Eart!
You'll need to grab both our Android Launcher and the game .rpa file.
We have a step by step tutorial here:
Hope this helps!
Thank you very much
Completely stuck and can do nothing in the game please help! So I am on day 2 and the game took me to my room in the evening, But.... It won't let me sleep saying I'm not tired yet and it wont let leave the room to go anywhere saying I don't need to sneak around the house at night, and there is nothing else to select in the room but the bed so I can do absolutely nothing! Can't sleep and can't go anywhere in house so now what?? At a complete dead end and would really appreciate some help! Thanks all!
Hey Drews!
This is a bug that was fixed in a later version. If you shower on the second day you'll have to reload a save, roll back or make a new save.
This was fixed for 7.15, which is the current free version. If you don't want to download it right now, just don't shower in the early game. In the main menu start game, it'll start a new game for you.
I have version 7.15, and can confirm the bug is still there. Thanks for the tip though, it was driving me mad. Was about to give up on it.
Hey shocked,
This was actually fixed for 0.7.16r4! Apologies for the error at my end.
hey how does the new potion system work
Hey Demon,
Check a particular room in the house. It'll get you started :^)
I lost my entire gallery, can I get the code for all the animations?
Hey Deggiy,
Sorry to hear about your gallery.
The gallery code is a reward for our Patreon subscribers.
You can have a look here:
If you can snag a save or persistent file with progress to where you lost it, those should help out.
Best of luck o/
I have a question if I pay one time do I get the new premium updates always or I have to continue paying it every month
Hey Red!
Once you pay for the premium version, you'll have access to new versions as they become available!
when is r 0.7.16 coming out for free version, cant wait to play it
Hey Bonnet!
Here's the schedule for releases:
The Alpha build of a new version is released at the start of each month.
About a week later the Beta build is released.
Then after another week the Early Access version is released.
Then about a month later this version goes free and public. This is for Patreon so it gets dropped everything else a little bit later on
Hope you enjoy it when it drops!
great game but the story does not feel like its going anywhere right now
Hey Black!
I do understand it can feel like that from time to time. We do try and approach it in a balanced way, of sorts. We have the main story, personal stories of each of the gals, some side events and dreams. So you'll see a bounce between those over time.
Appreciate the feedback all the same though!
how do I get alchemy scenes I finished the game but never got lyriel's and cait's alchemy scenes
Hey Monk!
Those scenes are part of the alchemy mini game from the lost and found quest!If you have a save before it, you can snag em that way.
Did you finish the quest "lost and found"? It contains the alchemy scenes AND you must successfully make the potion then it'll unlock the alchemy scenes. Hope my answer could help you.
I skipped the minigame thinking since the potion still gets brewed I would get the scene. I did the minigame and got the scenes thx.
You're welcome, enjoy the scenes.
The download for PC keeps failing after about a quarter way through..
Hey Drews,
This is most likely an issue at Itchs end. If you haven't tried a different browser already, I'd recommend doing so. If the issue persists, you could try heading over to our Patreon and trying there. Here's a link to the latest free version (You'll need a Patreon account to download, but you can sign up for free!):
A House in the Rift is something truly special. The characters feel real, their stories are deep and emotional, and the writing is filled with warmth, humor, and heart. The atmosphere is so immersive that it feels like stepping into another world, one you never want to leave. Every little detail shows the love and passion behind it. It’s rare to find a game that resonates so deeply. Huge respect to the creator for crafting such a beautiful and unforgettable experience! I literally created my account just to show the creator my appreciation. Love this Game!
Hey dertobi32!
Thanks for taking the time to swing by and leave your feedback! Very much appreciate the kind words. Glad to hear you've enjoyed your time with AHITR so far!
Do you have any particular favourite character and moment?
I like them all. Every Story is special on its own.
Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
As always enjoying the story. I am on the latest 7.17 and it talks about making potions?? I have been following the game, but have completely missed that quest or activity. How far back do I need to go to activate the making potions section? thanks
Hey BD2020r!
This new activity is currently in early access, but it should just be there. Is it still not appearing for you?
No, no potion or potion making routines for me. Thanks for answering
Really good game, probably gonna add this to my patreon budget. But I gotta ask, is there something up with Naomi and Cait's hang out quests? they seem to stop progressing at some point and Cait just locks herself in her room with her banana. Its been a while since I played so I figure I should ask if that got addressed. Still though, great game with a lot of care put in.
Hey Blocky!
Appreciate the kind words and support! Glad you've been enjoying AHITR.
Cait's banana quest was bugged but has been since fixed!
Has the story kind of dried up? I feel like in the last few updates there hasn't been any main story progression! It was super interesting so I'm kind of sad. This was one of the first indie AVN that had a story that hooked me so fast.
Hey Tristan!
I know it might feel like that but we do our best to balance personal stories of the gals and progressing the main story. We also have side events and sometimes dreams to consider into the mix too, so you'll see a back and forth.
have Chinese?
Hey Snake!
Currently we have no plans to add Chinese to the game right now, but its something we've discussed and will revisit sometime in the future.
Tonight was my second playthrough of the game. When I first considered returning, Rae immediately came to mind. The next thing you know, a quote from Invincible popped into my head and then I told myself, "I think I miss my wife." Jokes aside, this is an S tier AVN with the perfect blend of monster girl, slice-of-life, fantasy and adventure. The story is actually very well-written, and the girls are both memorable and full of personality. AHITR is also home to one of the kindest and most understanding protagonists I've ever seen. It's extremely rare to come across someone like Steven in this male-dominated landscape.
Hey Chosen,
Glad you've been enjoying your time in the Rift! Appreciate the feedback/kind words 🙏
And shoutout to Steven for real.
No problem!
wouldve been my fav game if it had voice :C
Hey itsygo,
We have some scenes with voiced lewd sounds but that's about it for now. It's something we come back around to test every so often but it's not a priority right now.
Very good game, I hope you add more scenes to Naomi, muchas gracias en español
Im on
andriod and its saying file not supported
Hey William!
Have you had a look at our Android installation guide here:
yessir i have and i did all the steps maybe its not compatible with the s23?
Hey William,
It should be (Currently running it on a s21).
Can you tell me the steps and errors that happen?
Absolutely love this game, great characters, story and enviroment. Cant wait to see more. I do have to ask, when finishing inside some of the girls remark about pregnancy. Will that be a factor/fetish in the future? Love the idea of making love to our girls pregnant.
Hey Dr!
Currently we have no plans to add pregnancy content to AHITR.
Unfortunate, but still thanks for all the hard work!
Hey, love the game and just wanna let the devs know there is a glitch I accidentally discovered where you can have sex with cait in the shower before taking her virginity if her lewdness is high enough.
Hey Elmo,
Thanks a bunch for the feedback! Will have a look into this.
I found that one too, was surprised lol.
0.17.6 what's new?
Hey Long,
Here's the changelog for 0.7.16:
Hi, is there any way I can download the new version so I can have the same progress as in the old one?
Hey pip!
Your saves will carry over automatically to the latest version of the game! Just download, run the game and it should be there!
So what tags can you avoid, same with the girls?
Hey Distant!
I don't have a comprehensive list of what tags can be avoided, but almost anything outside of vanilla-ish can be avoided and you don't have to lewd a particular girl if you don't want to. The main story can be done without it.
I know it's not 100% what you were looking for, but hope it helps enough to get a rough idea!
Ok sweet thanks for letting me know bro I am going in.
enjoyed the game, when's the next update? and is it only for paid members
Hey Neo,
Here's the schedule for releases:
The Alpha build of a new version is released at the start of each month.
About a week later the Beta build is released.
Then after another week the Early Access version is released.
Then about a month later this version goes free and public. This is for patreon so it gets dropped everything else a little bit later on.
Hope this answers your question!
does that mean paid members get 12 updates a year while free ones gets 6 updates in a year?
Hey Neo,
No, free members got around 10+ish updates last year! Every version of the game goes free eventually.
I saw a post on twitter about Blair sqeeuzing the boobs or the booty
Please for the love of The Gods and Goddesses please let it be the booty please choose the booty please tell zanith
Hey Beasty,
The feedback has been passed along. She does have a fine booty :^)
Thank you so much ! I appreciate that very much.
Her booty is so scrumptious.
Loved it for most part, loved Rea, Cait and Lyriel, Yone also good but I really cant stand naomi.. I whish that it would be possible in further updates to just skipp her and the dwarf but not loosing a lot of content related to others.. Otherwise great game!
Hey Beren!
That's totally fair that you don't vibe with Naomi. Not every character is going to appeal to everyone, and that's cool.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the game other than that!
I'm stuck with the quest Dreamy Pool even though all the requirements are done. All my other quests are saying "Proceed with the main storyline"
Hey Birb,
There may be a quest in your log in plain black font, that you may need to do first.
If not, can you take a screenshot of your quest log and place it here? Thanks!
Can't seem to find any quests in black fonts. Here is the quest log.
Appreciate the screenshot! Can you drop your save here too please? (You can find it in "AHITR/Game/Saves" and upload it to any file sharing site like Mega, Google Drive etc).
Thanks a bunch!
Sorry took so long here it is.
Hey thanks for uploading that.
Here's a fixed save for you, you should be able to progress now!
I can't figure out how to install this on my tablet. I Would pay for it if I knew how to play it.....
Hey Dr,
We have a step by step guide her for installing on Android here:
if i buy the 8$ version, will i get the updates
Hey Evil,
Correct. if you grab the paid version here, you get future updates as the become available here on Itch!
Idk if it's just me but I've completed all of the quest but never got the alchemy thing with the potions you have to make. I also never got the shrinking scene with Rae. Idk if I've just got to restart or something but I'm just stuck on "What the Future Holds?" No more personal quests or anything. Any help would be great. Thanks.
Hey Ty,
What version of the game are you on? The alchemy mini game is tied to the lost and found side event/quest.
If your quest log is empty, can you post your save here? (Uploading to any file sharing site will do, Mega, Google Drive etc).
Will have a look!
I'm on version 0.7.16r4 and yeah I can post my save. Which file is it?
You'll find the save in "AHITR/Game/Saves" (The first number indicates the page and the second the slot its in).
Okay thanks! Here you go.
Hey Ty!
Sorry, but the current link isn't giving me permissions to view/download. Once that's sorted I can have a look. Appreciate your patience!
can I be short with a harem?
If you crouch while at your PC or hold your phone up, you probably could get the short experience.
Is there a Walkthrough for no mistakes?
Try rollback, most of the choices are very simple, +love, +lewdness, +nothing, if you choose to be an axxhole, -love most of all, so just be nice and caring that would do the trick.
Best thumbnail to date
Rae got that booty that don't quit 8)
Slight request for android releases - for simplicity can you leave the updates on the apk until it hits near 2gb again? Means less tinkering on both ends i think
Hey Somn,
Unfortunately, there's currently no system in place for Android like that. We are looking to streamline the Android process in the future, but for now this is what the system will be.
umm to be absolutely clear, the bulk of the game is currently being loaded into RPA files such that updates require the rpa and apk both to be downloaded and installed each update. My request/ suggestion is to leave the recent stuff out of the rpa. At least until it starts hitting the limit again.
Saying that in case it was misunderstood. As to being possible or not... it is; this game is the only one that i have to download and install an rpa each and every time. I make this suggestion on every game that i play that gets to the apk limit on file size. The other part to my suggestion is usually - if you don't know how to do it, ask basically any big porter on f95 as it's pretty standard practice at this point and i don't know the back end to even try and explain how it's done
The current system works like this: there's no game code or content in the launcher at all. The whole game is packed into the RPA file. We won't be changing this in the near future due to our current content and build pipelines.
I really like this game! Do you have any plans to release it on Steam in the future? (Sorry, English is not my native language; I used Google Translate for this.)
Hey Happy,
We have no plans to release AHITR (at least in its current state) on steam.
Hey by chance is there save files before the updates? Like save files that are before the update
Hey Death,
Currently we have no saves per update to offer. All new content gets added to your quest log so if you have a save from back in 0.4.0, you'll get everything to do if you update your version.
yo, started a fres new game and blocked at the second night
'you can't sleep just yet' but cannot interact with anything or roam the house, tryed to restart or with different choices but nada, some help?
Hey Smiraz,
This is a bug that was later fixed in a future version of the game. If you use the shower early game, you'll need to reload a save or start a new game!
Hello, I have the same problem being stuck on day 2 night, playing version 0.7.14, are you sure it's fixed?
Starting from version 0.7.15 this is fixed. In the meantime, start a new game or roll back if you can.